Camp 2023 – C3VOC.TV / Mobile Recording Setup
- We will have a TV Studio, and you can use it
- We need your content and your help
This year, C3VOC and C3 News Show will be presenting their own content in the form of the C3VOC.TV project. Our goal is to capture all the small and big details that can be found outside of the large stages. Informational content for all on camp, around camp and even those who stayed at home will be part of the schedule. We’ll be building our own TV studio in the Feldbahnschau building. News, talk shows, games, interviews, cooking or everything else you could fit in a small TV studio is possible. Either recorded for later broadcast or live on air to our livestream. The studio will be available to everyone.
An editorial team will be collecting news, reports and other content to create a daily TV programme. At least one morning show and one prime time news show per day are in the making. We’ll have news gathering teams with cameras and audio equipment roaming the camp, on the lookout for interesting projects, situations and events. Either for longer format videos or to be included in our news shows.
Please fill us in on cool projects you brought to camp by contacting our editorial team, located near the studio, or just talk to us while we are roaming the site in our pink vests.
You are part of an OC and want to tell your inside story? You want to talk about all the infrastructure you built, in more depth than the usual infrastructure review could take? You’re welcome!
Mobile Setup
In addition to the studio and the news gathering teams, we will have a mobile setup. You can borrow this for a spontaneous talk or workshop recording at your village. The resulting video content can be used for C3VOC.TV as well.
Call for content and volunteers
You want to present your project, ideas or anything else on C3VOC.TV, want to help in our editorial team or want to record a show at the studio? Please contact C3VOC.
You can reach us via IRC #voc-lounge @ Hackint or via Matrix #voc-lounge:hackint.org.
No recording without explicit consent
We will always ask for permission before activating a camera or starting a recording. Accordingly, we’ll leave the lens cover on our cameras until all have consented to being recorded. We’re going to be on the lookout to prevent people from accidentally walking into frame.
Accidental filming can still happen and people might be unsure if they have been in frame. Just alert us there and then and we’ll review the footage together.
If you are on a recording and don’t want to be, let us know. We will not discuss your decision but respect it and solve the problem in the edit.