GPN17: CfP Reminder

Dear data-voyagers,

wow, we are impressed about the hundreds of registrations for the 17th. Gulaschprogrammiernacht (GPN) and we are looking forward to welcome you all here! Are you registered by now? The registration is optional, but it helps us to estimate the number of visitors for the event. You can register here:

Have you submitted a talk or a workshop yet? Your active participation in the event defines the GPN and makes it so memorable. We therefore ask you to make more talks, meetups and workshops! We will release the first version of our schedule shortly. Therefore submit your talk soon, best case now!

You find further information at We are looking forward to meet up with you guys from the 25th til the 28th of May at the HfG and the ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany.

Your Eve Entropia