Call for Subtitles

As you might know, during 32c3 the Subtitles Angels created real-time subtitles for all the talks which took place in Hall 1 and 2. These allowed hearing impaired visitors to follow the talks, and also provided assistance to the non-native German or English speakers.

cch outside

Foto: CC public domain zero 1.0 by Sanpi via flickr

As the last recordings are being released, the task of creating subtitles for all recording has started. For this we need your help!

If you have the capacity to create subtitles for a talk (perhaps one you wanted to watch in detail anyway), could translate a transcript or would like to do quality control, please check out and join #subtitles on hackint.

Being new to subtitling CCC talks is not a problem at all. Getting started is easy. And if transcribing is not for you, you can always work on the translations and quality control.

If you are willing to help, please take a minute to read through the new work-flow and style guide.
Please also read through these if you have previous experience subtitling CCC talks, because we have redesigned the entire interface to include Amara.

The finished subtitles will be released into the CDN and announced via Twitter at @c3srt_releases.

P.S. Remember the audio problems during the opening eventSubtitles were available all the way through. :-)
And by the way, subtitles also allow machine-indexing of the recordings. That means things like searchable archives become possible.