Camp CTF

Dear Camp visitors,

As with most of the recent CCC events, there will be a CTF contest.  Past CTF competitions (C3, Sigint) have been designed to be appealing for experienced teams.  The Camp CTF will be different: The challenges will cater to beginners and hints and help may be provided during the competition.  To emphasize the educative character, participants are encouraged to present solutions to their competitors at scheduled times for extra points.  The possibility to present solutions will be open to on-site participants only.  Apart from classical exploitation challenges, we will provide some on-site challenges for you totinker with. Despite this, the CTF is open to online participants as well.

Please register here 1. It is also considered best practice to join #campctf on hackint IRC. Details on where you can meet us on-site and when presentations are scheduled, will be published soon. We hope to see you and enjoy our challenges. The CTF starts Thursday, 18:00h and we’ll schedule presentations on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Happy pwning,
Stratum Auhuur