MRMCD2015: Call for Participation

For this years MRMCD we’re looking again for interesting contributions. Topics usually present on the MRMCD are for example Open Source projects, Cryptography, Social Networks, embedded systems, programming languages, privacy and anonymity and the resulting social questions.

According to this year’s topic we’re especially looking forward for topics on the interface of body and technology, let it be research or development under the keyword Self Quan­tiza­t­i­on or interesting technologies from the field of sports and competition.

This list is in no way complete though. The MRMCD is known for a broad and interesting spectrum of subjects. Our visitors are always interested in learning and mastering seemingly off topic knowledge.

Submission for talks and workshops can be made via our planning system frab.

According to this years theme we plan to have competitions for the guests of the conference. We’re looking forward to your e-mail (send to wettkampfleitung at if you have ideas about the competitions or maybe even are interested in organizing one.

We are looking forward to meeting you in September,

With sporty regards,

the tournament committee of the MRMCD2015