MRMCD14: Searching “constructive” submissions for the MetaRheinMainConstructionDays (MRMCD-CFP)

The MetaRheinMainChaosDays (MRMCD) is an annual Chaos Computer Club conference taking place since 2004. As of 2012 it is realised in cooperation with the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da). Organizer is the non-profit MRMCD e.V. along with local hackerspaces, CCC groups and universities. The event will take place from 5th to 7th of September 2014.

For the planned “big construction site IT-Security” (this years motto of the MRMCD), the “Bauleitung” searches interesting talks and workshop proposals from the international hacker community.

Former MRMCDs had presentations discussing IT-security, cryptology, politics, embedded  systems, open source development, intelligent road networks, DIN EN  60880 and other related content. Of course, as it is a hacker conference, the list of interesting topics is not really limited. Workshops are also invited to take place on the “construction site”.

The submission interface can be found here:

Further information in English is on the website of the mrmcd14:


(construction management)