Dial 7666 for upcoming 28c3 talks

Heads up everyone, voicebarf is up and running! Voicebarf provides you with the latest information about the 28c3 schedule. Even when the internet is down. Use your DECT or GSM compatible phone to dial the number 7666 (SOON), and voicebarf will tell you which talks are up next. You can even request a reminder, and voicebarf will call you back fifteen minutes before your favourite talk starts. Dial 8255 (TALK) to get the currently running talks. Dial TALK (8255) when a talk is just finished to rate that talk. Talk ratings’ importance for the content team can not be overestimated. The content team relies on your feedback to make the next year’s schedule even better. So do not hesitate to rate the talks you saw – be it live in the lecture hall or via stream, or afterwards on the recording. If you do not have your laptop at your fingertips – use Voicebarf, dial TALK (8255).

If you do not know about the Phone Operation Center (POC), check out their website (click here).

Why the name «voicebarf»? Because of pentabarf, the ccc conference planning software. Voicebarf was created by alech with a bit of help by hc. Since alech is busy with his talk this year, if you’ve got any questions about voicebarf, you may give hc a ring at 4321.

A small sidenote: The eventphone SIP stack is a bit instable ATM, so if you don’t get through at once, just try again ten seconds later!