What’s up next? — Ask VoiceBarf.

Voicebarf Illustration

Which talks are up next? What’s currently going on in Saal 1 – why is it so crowded? How could I possibly forget to attend “53 more things to do in zero gravity”?

If you’ve ever asked yourself one of these questions or a similar one, then pray do try out voicebarf (src). Simply get your DECT phone and dial TALK (8255) for the currently running talks or SOON (7666) for the upcoming talks. To counter your verpeiltheit, you can also request to be called back before a particular talk starts – you’ll never miss a single one again!

Even better: thanks to Harald and the OpenBSC crew you will be able to use VoiceBarf from a larger distance, with your mobile phone!  Information on how to get your cell into the congress GSM network can be obtained directly from Harald, or – preferably – the 27c3 congress wiki.

Last not least: the content committee (the guys and gals rating and reviewing the congress submissions) needs your feedback. You can rate the talks directly from VoiceBarf! Why wait till long after the congress when you’re sitting in front of a computer screen again to do the ra(n)ting, when you can let off steam and/or enthusiasm right after each talk using your DECT phone?

**UPDATE:**Yes, nai, your suggestion is a good one! Dial LIVE (5483) in addition to TALK to get the currently running talks!