
During all the years there were really great workshops at the Chaos Communication Congress. Unfortunately they were a bit hard to find, because we only announced them in the wiki and some workshops weren’t in there either. So it is clear, that the lack of attendees in some workshops was surely not because of uninteresting topics but merely because of our laziness to make them easier to find.

Our approach to that problem is to ask all visitors who want to give a workshop at 27C3 to hand it in before the conference so we can release an official schedule for workshops before day 1 of the congress.

We should have enough time and rooms so there is hopefully no need for rejecting a workshop proposal unless you:

  • simply hand in a rejected talk as a workshop (a workshop is not meant to be a lecture)
  • simply want to sell a product (selling a kit for the workshop for a fair price is OK, of course)
  • forget to at least fill out the Title, Abstract and Description fields in the submission interface (so that visitors know what skills and what tools they need and whether you provide them, price of needed components, etc).

If your talk submission got accepted and the workshop depends on your talk, please drop a note so that we can schedule your workshop after your lecture.

Fellows who already handed in a workshop during the talk submission phase (and whose submission has the state “candidate” in Pentabarf) should find their submission also in the new submission interface. Ingenious, we know ;)

To submit a workshop for the conference please visit:

If you have further questions that can’t wait ’til the end of December, you can comment here or include your question in the
Workshop-ALOAQ (At least once asked questions) page in the wiki.

Please note that there is also the possibility to do a workshop in the “Makers”-Room in the basement and/or at other tables in the BCC.

Sorry to say that, but even when doing a workshop, you still need a ticket to buy a normal ticket.