Power to the People Fundraiser at the c-base tonight!

The Raumstation needs your help! Tonight, hackerspaces.org is bringing together hackerspaces, lockpickers, makers, crafters and other hacker groups from around the world to help the c-base. Please join us for an evening of foodhacking, fundraising and friendship to help secure the continued exploration of the space station under Berlin! Relax with food, chill music and have a quiet night before Silvester!

Here is the lineup of events going on tonight at the c-base:

  • 18:00: Aktivismus im digitalen Zeitalter: Markus Beckedahl (de): Markus zeigt auf, wie Politik und politische Kampagnen im Internetzeitalter jenseits zentraler Steuerung als Mitmachprojekte im Open-Source-Stil bereits funktionieren und in Zukunft funktionieren können. (Note: This event is in German)
  • 19:00: Semantic Food Engine: Join the hacker chefs from foodhacking.com as they go through the night’s gastronomy food technology, and enjoy a fresh dinner prepared by fellow congress attendees.
  • 20:30: Das Snafu-Prinzip: Daniel Kulla (de): Eine Einführung in das Sanfu-Prinzip und wie es sich auswirkt und was dagegen hilft, gerade für sehr flache und informelle Informationshierarchien wie den CCC. (Note: This event is in German)
  • 22:00: The Power to the People Auction: This is your chance to directly support the c-base and walk away with really cool stuff! Come find out what SSD eV, NYCResistor, HacDC, Noisebridge, OpenAMD, Metalab, RepRap and many others have donated really cool things to help raise money for the c-base. Nick Farr and Astera from hackerspaces.org will be continuing a grand North American hacker conference tradition of fundraising and storytelling through hacker memorabilia. You might even walk away with a certain hacker’s suit, leaving him with nothing but jeans and a t-shirt to wear. ;)