24C3 planning in progress (the predecessor)

24C3 planning in progress (the predecessor)

We didn’t want to keep this from you. A photo of the 24C3 kickoff meeting in the Mauerpark end of August. So idyllic. So much planning already going on, despite the fact that our CCCamp-tested tents were still hung over doors and tables at home for drying and despite the fact that some of us still got glazed looks of reminiscence whenever the Camp came up in the discussion on what to improve and how. Perhaps by now you can guess that we are all eager and looking forward to the 24C3 already…

Also, I want to use this posting to repeat, once again: This year’s Congress will have Steampunk woven into it all over. It may not have come out in the Call for Participation very well, but – We. Want. Steampunk. Bring cool stuff. Make it your ambition to give us spectacular headaches over fire prevention regulations, or over where to put your giant minutely-detailed drawing of Captain Nemo’s ship. Go on, challenge us!