Presale for Chaos Communication Camp started

Good news, everyone – the presale for the camp just started, and will be up until 22th July. Please pay special attention to our supporters ticket and company ticket: If you or your company are willing to support the camp, please consider buying those tickets. The camp costs in fact more than the 150 € per participant we take for the default ticket – so our current prices are already only made possible by generous donations, sponsors and the business tickets. You and our sponsors are those guys which actually make the camp financially possible. Thank you very much!

The Company Ticket even comes with a small thank you package, and all tickets come of course with a valid receipt.

So, head over to the presale website, and enjoy the camp! Presale will close down at 22th July, all money has to arrive before August 1st.

PS: We are aware that this web server currently has some weird issues. The presale website is not affected by those issues, and we will fix the server problems during the week. is now back up and running. PHP sucks, reason of the “blank page problem” was a know issue of our caching engine and php5.