
Well, yes. Granted, presale still is not up and running – we have some minor issues we have to clarify in advance and this takes longer than intended. It’s the bureaucracy we are currently facing, which means nothing else that we are waiting for some phone calls from the local authorities. This sucks, especially because we are unable to speed it up. And yes, we are annoyed about this as much as you are.

However, rest assured that we work as hard as possible there, and this is something which is only relevant for the presale itself. The camp is getting closer and closer, and everything looks really good, actually. For a sneak preview, head over to the brand new camp map, which is still beta, but should be pretty stable now.

So, camp will take place, and will be great. Rest assured. We really, really hope that camp presale will start at the beginning of next week, but well – we already promised to have presale up at the end of may, and now it is the middle of June. So better new promise here. ;) The start of presale will be announced in this weblog and in the wiki, you wont be able to miss it.