Hackers on a Plane

What does it take to make the experience of attending a hacker camp taking place near an actual airfield perfect? Why, flying right in, of course. Approach for a landing, get off, have a short walk, and you’re done. Excited? Sounds too cool to be true? You’d think so – but for our American friends even that was still too bland and boring. So the Hacker Foundation has put together a package of nothing less than legendary proportions: For 1337 € (roundtrip from Europe) or 1337US$ (roundtrip from the United States) you get free entry to Defcon in Las Vegas and the Chaos Communication Camp, a flight from Defcon to Frankfurt (Germany) and from there directly to Finow Airfield at the Camp site with a specially chartered “Hackers on a Plane” flight!

Those who want to truly spoil themselves can leave their tents at home and lodge at “Camp Anaconda“, the village organised by the Hacker Foundation. Depending on how many seats are booked you may also just take the flight from Frankfurt to Finow – again, more on that can be found on the Hackers on a Plane website.