Camp-Ticket Prices?

Well, yes. We know, we promised to have the final ticket prices up within April. To make a long story short: We wont make it – it will take another week, or something like that, and frankly, we are as frustrated about this fact as you are.
We are still waiting for some offers by companies supplying us with infrastructures, stuff like power, additional toilets, showers, fences, and so on. Their offers should be already here, but they apparently didn’t make it – and we are unable to make our final calculations as long as we don’t have these price estimates. It is a Chaos camp, after all. ;)

However, most numbers are already here, so there is at least something to publish now, and we are really proud about it: They wont be much higher than the prices of What the Hack – we are expecting 160 Euros +/- 20 Euros as the price for the standard plain ticket – which is rather cool, judged by the fact that the camp is a day longer and pretty much everything raised the prices (showers, for example, are 40% more expensive than they used to be at the camp 2003).

A possibility to pre-order tickets with a lower price will be there, too. Please stand by some more days for the final prices, and we really hope that this “narrowed down” number will be already sufficient for your plannings.

PS: Reminder: The final submission deadline for our Call for Participation is May, 15th.