HOPE Number Six: Announcement list and blog up and running

The HOPE team has launched two services for those of you interested in getting the latest news about HOPE Number Six.

The HOPE announcement list is sent to everyone involved in the conference – from speakers to volunteers to attendees – and it contains the latest updates on this July’s (21st – 23rd) conference.

The HOPE blog contains this information as well as an opportunity for you to give us feedback, ask questions, come up with ideas, etc.

To subscribe to the HOPE announcement list, simply do the following:

  1. Compose an email to majordomo@2600.com.
  2. In the body of this message, enter “subscribe six-announce” (without the quotes, please).
  3. Send the mail.
  4. See what happens.

To check out the HOPE blog, take a trip over to http://blog.hopenumbersix.net and see what we’re up to. We’re looking forward to hearing ideas and feedback.