Meanwhile, in the offline world: Under Construction

While Berlin gets into the top ten list of the world’s coolest cities hands down, sometimes the city officials surprise you with their unerring sense of bad taste. No, we’re not talking about the plan to turn the Alexanderplatz’s landmark TV tower into a pink football during the FIFA World Cup next year (with a little help from that company that quite surprisingly uses a similar colour scheme). We’re talking about Alexa (link is in German, but the pictures are fun nevertheless), the “shopping and leisure centre” currently being built on Alexanderplatz, right next to the bcc.

Under Construction
Why should you care? Well, if you plan to come to Berlin with your car, this means just a tad less space to park your car. And if you are an aesthete, looking for the beauty of a spot once immortalized in Alfred Döblin’s novel, this means that the original concept of the place is slightly re-arranged by a gaping hole. Oh, and we’re bloggers, we give credit: fh had this picture first.