Talk on RFID/librfid

Another important technology which isn’t brand new but implies a big impact here and now is RFID. RFID is used for automatic identification and detection and is i.e. used for logistic purposes to keep track of products on their way from manufacturers to customers. But this technique also has privacy concerns since it’s used in modern passports or even in tickets for the Soccer World Championships in Germany next year, which isn’t funny at all. So it’s important to understand how it works and what exactly can be done with it. The main problem by now is, that a detailed knowledge of the protocols used is quite rare, but the number of deployments is growing vastly.

Harald Welte, probably best known for his work on the netfilter/iptables project, will give a presentation which will cover an introduction into the two popular RFID Standards, ISO14443 and ISO15693, as well as the author’s Free Software implementation librfid, which Harald is developing with Milosch Meriac. Harald will also talk about the current progress in developing hardware and software defined radio (SDR) based passive sniffing of the RFID radio interface which will lead to a nifty tcpdump-like functionality.

Those who have seen Haralds excellent talks in the past are looking forward to see this in-deepth and technical sophisticated lecture about another important technology he is privately investigating.