Fahrplan Statistics

The program committee finished the main part of its work at the last weekend of October. While the sun was shining over Berlin we pushed lots and lots pieces of paper over the floor of the cccb to create the perfect Fahrplan. There is no better user interface when it comes to multi player multi tasking fahrplan construction. As in the last year the program will be marvelous and we will present lots of interesting speakers and talks in this weblog.

But first some numbers about this years Fahrplan: We received nearly 300 lecture submissions and selected about the half of them for the conference program. So more than 150 hours of conference program will be held between Dec 27th and Dec 30th. That is more than six days if it would be held one after the other. 3/4 of the talks will be held in English so the international character of Europeans biggest hacker party will be stronger than ever. About 15% of this years speakers are women, which follows the increase of 1% each year we observed over the last five years. If this trend turns out to be constant in 2042 half of the speakers at the Chaos Communication Congress will be women.

The percentage of events per track is quite similar to the last year. Nearly half of the conference program will be about hacking. Quite surprising for a hacker conference, isn’t it? The lectures of the society track are about data retention, electronic passports, software patents and copyright issues. The science track brings you talks about quantum entanglement, nano technology and the philosophy of technical sciences. Of course culture and community will be there too. Events per Track pie-chart