ChaosFilmSociety Art-and-Play

From 35C3 Wiki

Part of venue Hall 2
Located on level 0
Size (in m²)
Seats 30
Seating theater seating
  • projector
Notes A cosy screening place for films, documenteries and workshops. If you want to use the space, please pass by and talk to us before you host a session.
This room is avaliable for Static:Self-organized_Sessions


SessionEvent TitleStartDuration
Game overGame over27 December 2018 19:00:0060
Film -- KabelFilm -- Kabel27 December 2018 20:00:007
Film -- fair groundsFilm -- fair grounds27 December 2018 20:13:009
Film -- I can´t control myselfFilm -- I can´t control myself27 December 2018 20:22:002
Film -- Welcome to the first worldFilm -- Welcome to the first world27 December 2018 20:30:009
Film -- MEMORYFilm -- MEMORY27 December 2018 20:40:009
Work Hard, Work HardWork Hard, Work Hard27 December 2018 21:05:0010
Film -- E97Film -- E9727 December 2018 21:15:0011
Film -- Herdtz (Part 1)Film -- Herdtz (Part 1)27 December 2018 21:27:008
Film -- TestgeländeFilm -- Testgelände27 December 2018 21:35:0013
Film -- IkonenFilm -- Ikonen27 December 2018 21:48:0012
Film -- Base at BowlFilm -- Base at Bowl27 December 2018 22:09:004
Film -- Warm water out of the wallFilm -- Warm water out of the wall27 December 2018 22:13:007
Game overGame over28 December 2018 12:00:0060
Get out of your Bubble!Get out of your Bubble!28 December 2018 15:00:0060
Film -- Algo-RhythmFilm -- Algo-Rhythm28 December 2018 20:00:0013
Film -- Global HomeFilm -- Global Home28 December 2018 20:13:0092
Film -- Illegale FilmFilm -- Illegale Film28 December 2018 22:00:0080
Film -- Sollbruchstelle / Devil hides in DoubtFilm -- Sollbruchstelle / Devil hides in Doubt28 December 2018 23:20:0061
Film -- C2X: The television will not be revolutionized.Film -- C2X: The television will not be revolutionized. - In Senegal, when President Abdoulaye Wade wanted to run for office yet again in 2011, a resistance movement formed on the streets. Shortly afterwards, a group of school friends, including rappers Thiat and Kilifeu, set up ‘Y’en a marre’ (‘We Are Fed Up’). Filmmaker Rama Thiaw soon came on board to start documenting events (meetings, campaigns, arrests, concerts, states of exhaustion, trips) from an insider’s perspective. This documentary is the second volume of Rama Thiaw’s trilogy of documentaries, where she highlights the relationship between politics and culture. It started with ‘Boul Fallé, the Way of Struggle’ shot in 2009, and the third volume of this trilogy will follow 6 reggae musicians in different countries. ‘The Revolution Won’t Be Televised’ was presented at the 2016 Berlinale and won the Prize of Critics from ‘FIPRESCI’ in the Forum category and a mention from Caligari Filmpreis. Rama Thiaw offers a truly aesthetic documentary, where she narrates a part of Senegalese history and explains how her home country is about to change.29 December 2018 00:21:00110
Film -- One Million StepsFilm -- One Million Steps29 December 2018 02:11:0021
Film -- Stare into the lights my prettiesFilm -- Stare into the lights my pretties29 December 2018 02:32:00130
Tontechnic 101Tontechnic 10129 December 2018 14:00:00120
Film -- Sollbruchstelle / Devil hides in DoubtFilm -- Sollbruchstelle / Devil hides in Doubt29 December 2018 20:00:0061
Film -- C2X: The television will not be revolutionized.Film -- C2X: The television will not be revolutionized. - In Senegal, when President Abdoulaye Wade wanted to run for office yet again in 2011, a resistance movement formed on the streets. Shortly afterwards, a group of school friends, including rappers Thiat and Kilifeu, set up ‘Y’en a marre’ (‘We Are Fed Up’). Filmmaker Rama Thiaw soon came on board to start documenting events (meetings, campaigns, arrests, concerts, states of exhaustion, trips) from an insider’s perspective. This documentary is the second volume of Rama Thiaw’s trilogy of documentaries, where she highlights the relationship between politics and culture. It started with ‘Boul Fallé, the Way of Struggle’ shot in 2009, and the third volume of this trilogy will follow 6 reggae musicians in different countries. ‘The Revolution Won’t Be Televised’ was presented at the 2016 Berlinale and won the Prize of Critics from ‘FIPRESCI’ in the Forum category and a mention from Caligari Filmpreis. Rama Thiaw offers a truly aesthetic documentary, where she narrates a part of Senegalese history and explains how her home country is about to change.29 December 2018 21:00:00110
Film -- One Million StepsFilm -- One Million Steps29 December 2018 23:11:0021
Film -- Stare into the lights my prettiesFilm -- Stare into the lights my pretties29 December 2018 23:32:00130
Film -- When the Undead Dream of Living - Celine KellerFilm -- When the Undead Dream of Living - Celine Keller - Celine Kelller An audiovisual exploration of the utopian potential of zombiism Words & Movie: Céline Keller Sounds & Music: Louisa Beck Two very popular dystopian scenarios exist in our collective imagination: the zombie apocalypse and the singularity. Both seem to represent our anxieties about a deep crisis of humanism. A humanism that placed reason and rationality above nature and all else that is living. This elevation kick started what now appears to be an unavoidable defeat of humanity in a deadly competition with itself. Our video essay contents that social conditions determine people’s actions, but that the people in turn create these conditions. The singularity (if it happens) will have been programmed by us. And the zombies, dehumanised human beings, we are supposed to be killing, are also created by us. In a world that seemingly already is ruled by unconscious zombies, we need to recognise that these zombies might be us. What would happen if we woke up and took seriously our responsibilities and powers?30 December 2018 01:42:0030
Film -- Algo-RhythmFilm -- Algo-Rhythm30 December 2018 02:12:0013
Film -- Global HomeFilm -- Global Home30 December 2018 02:25:0060

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