Lecture room M1

From 35C3 Wiki

Part of venue Messehaus
Located on level 0
Size (in m²) 118
Seats 48
Seating classroom seating
  • projector
  • tables
Notes A medium sized lecture room, with classroom seating. Suitable for smaller lectures or bigger workshops and meetings
Further information http://www.ccl-leipzig.com/rooms-technical-equipment/facilities-overview/m1/
This room is avaliable for Static:Self-organized_Sessions


SessionEvent TitleStartDuration
ARM ROP Exploitation IntroARM ROP Exploitation Intro27 December 2018 12:00:00180
Why Does War Happen?Why Does War Happen?27 December 2018 15:00:0090
CCCChoirCCCChoir - All creatures welcome, especially beginners27 December 2018 15:30:0045
LessWrong meetupLessWrong meetup27 December 2018 18:00:0090
Stage Manager Angel IntroductionStage Manager Angel Introduction27 December 2018 20:00:00180
Face detection : how to camouflage in public space ?Face detection : how to camouflage in public space ? - outloud thoughts about camouflage28 December 2018 11:00:0060
From * import pythonFrom * import python28 December 2018 12:00:0045
Extinction Rebellion - NOT shutting down the internet - civil disobedience (non violent direct action) on a massive scaleExtinction Rebellion - NOT shutting down the internet - civil disobedience (non violent direct action) on a massive scale - Discussion, planning, organising, prioritising 🔥🔥🔥28 December 2018 13:00:0060
Open-Science-AG/de-RSE MeetUpOpen-Science-AG/de-RSE MeetUp28 December 2018 14:00:0060
Hands-on introduction to self-Hosting with YunoHostHands-on introduction to self-Hosting with YunoHost28 December 2018 15:00:00120
PSLab.io - Pocket Science LabPSLab.io - Pocket Science Lab28 December 2018 17:00:0030
Konsens-WorkshopKonsens-Workshop - Consensus decision making for social change and softdrinks distribution.28 December 2018 17:30:0090
Arch Linux MeetupArch Linux Meetup - Meetup28 December 2018 19:00:0090
Is That Password Long Enough?Is That Password Long Enough? - Entry to medium level talk on whether long passwords really are that important.28 December 2018 20:30:0045
Follow-up meeting to the Netzpolitik in der Schweiz talkFollow-up meeting to the Netzpolitik in der Schweiz talk28 December 2018 21:30:0090
Verteilte Schlüsselerzeugung für OpenPGP mit DKGPGVerteilte Schlüsselerzeugung für OpenPGP mit DKGPG29 December 2018 11:00:0060
Ways of Talking about IoT for CryptoPartiesWays of Talking about IoT for CryptoParties29 December 2018 12:00:0060
HowToConflictHowToConflict - besser streiten29 December 2018 13:00:00180
Personal Assistants By People for the PeoplePersonal Assistants By People for the People29 December 2018 16:00:0060
Autistic MeetupAutistic Meetup29 December 2018 17:00:0060
Everybody hates MIMEs - Challenges in keeping p≡p engine development freeEverybody hates MIMEs - Challenges in keeping p≡p engine development free29 December 2018 18:00:0060
Mechanical Keyboard MeetupMechanical Keyboard Meetup29 December 2018 19:00:00120
NixOS: Pratical Introduction into Cross-CompilingNixOS: Pratical Introduction into Cross-Compiling29 December 2018 21:00:0060
LessWrong MeetupLessWrong Meetup29 December 2018 22:00:0090
Linux Improved Kickoff DiscussionLinux Improved Kickoff Discussion - Linux Improved Kickoff29 December 2018 23:30:0090
12 Characters in search of an apocalypse - gathering and reading12 Characters in search of an apocalypse - gathering and reading - How does climate change affects us, our families and our communities? Hearing 12 different perspectives connects us to our own through intermediate pair-discussions. We exchange personal experiences with the group in the end to reveal the systemic aspects..30 December 2018 10:55:00120
Wondrous Mathematics: Large numbers, very large numbers and very very large numbersWondrous Mathematics: Large numbers, very large numbers and very very large numbers30 December 2018 12:55:0060
JuliaLang -- A first introduction and why *I* am excited about (let's talk compiler's and GPUs)JuliaLang -- A first introduction and why *I* am excited about (let's talk compiler's and GPUs)30 December 2018 13:00:0060
Wondrous Mathematics: Fundamental limits of mathematical reasoningWondrous Mathematics: Fundamental limits of mathematical reasoning30 December 2018 14:00:0060
Extinction Rebellion - NOT shutting down the internet - civil disobedience (non violent direct action) on a massive scaleExtinction Rebellion - NOT shutting down the internet - civil disobedience (non violent direct action) on a massive scale - Second date because there will be some key findings and research in the meanwhile 🔥🔥🔥30 December 2018 14:00:0060
Hackers Against Climate ChangeHackers Against Climate Change - It is the same time and place as Extinction Rebellion 🔥🔥🔥30 December 2018 14:00:00
FAQin congress presentationFAQin congress presentation30 December 2018 15:00:0010
Cognitive Stimulation Interfaces: How to Circumvent the ObviousCognitive Stimulation Interfaces: How to Circumvent the Obvious30 December 2018 15:10:0060
Anki: software for long-time learning (even programming stuff)Anki: software for long-time learning (even programming stuff)30 December 2018 16:00:0050

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