Film -- Illegale Film

From 35C3 Wiki

Description If everything really does become a product – art, ideas, colours, the pictures of our surroundings and even our ‘selfies’ – then who do the pictures we take of ourselves, and our world belong to?
Kids session No
Keyword(s) art
Tags ChaosFilmSociety, screening, art and play, film, KollektivArtesMobiles
Person organizing
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Starts at 2018/12/28 22:00
Ends at 2018/12/28 23:20
Duration 80 minutes
Location Room:ChaosFilmSociety Art-and-Play
Starts at 2018/12/29 18:40
Ends at 2018/12/29 20:00
Duration 80 minutes

People are filming and taking pictures of themselves like never before. Since the invention of the photograph trillions of photos have been taken. But the easier it gets to “expose” everything and everyone, the more our self-evident freedom to portray the world is restricted by rules. Owners and copyright-owners of objects, buildings, trademarks and even landscapes claim money for the de- piction of their property. The vast commercial potential within these images is becoming increasingly important. Algorithms, by means of face recognition technology and mobile profiles, yield invaluable data for the consumer- and advertising industry. Soon, the question of who owns a single image or who can copy a film for how much will be peripheral. The real moneymaker is the wealth of pic- tures of us all. If everything really does become a product – art, ideas, colours, the pictures of our surroundings and even our ‘selfies’ – then who do the pictures we take of ourselves, and our world belong to?

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