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List of existing hacktivity locations:

Pages using the property "Has session location"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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"Mit Dir nicht" - Braucht es eine Bewegungsresolution? +Hall 13  +
"The ananas from SpongeBob SquarePants is a lie!" Wondrous infinite fractions. +Hall A.1  +


10 moderne Konzepte, die deiner Lieblingsprogrammiersprache fehlen +Hall A.1  +
1st Annual Shortbus Screening +Hall B  +


22 harddrives from a Westafrican e-waste dump - Behind the Smart World +Hall C.4  +
22 harddrives from a Westafrican e-waste dump - Behind the Smart World +Hall C.4  +


34rtcorg +Hall 13  +


A New Business Model for the Internet +Hall 14  +
ADMIN +Hall C.2  +
Advanced Probiotic Brewing +Foodhackingbase  +
AfterShock +Tomorrowland - Gaming utopia dystopia  +
An Advanced Introduction to GnuPG +Hall A.1  +
Analysis of the privacy technology landscape +Hall F  +
Anarchism 101 +Hall 14  +
Angewandte Konsensdemokratie +Hall A.1  +
Angry Hacking: How to win $750,000 +Hall 13  +
Ants and Squirrels go 32c3 UnCiv meetup +Hall C.2  +
Arcade Vector Gaming +Hall A.2  +
ArduinoForTotalNewbies +HardwareHackingArea  +
ArduinoForTotalNewbies +HardwareHackingArea  +


BACnet (how Building automation works) +Hall 14  +
Beer Brewing For Beginners +Foodhackingbase@CentroSociale  +
Biometriedaten für den Personalausweis +Hall A.1  +
Bootstrapping your Pyongyang Startup +Hall A.2  +
Bring Linux Presentation Day into your own town +Hall 14  +
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