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/dev/tal +1x Network Socket would be nice.


29c3 CTF +It would be nice if we can be near the NOC and other CTF Teams (e.g. LSE, Hackademics)


AK Vorrat +Location near FoeBuD AKA Digital Courage
Anti +around software people, c3le, ccc ulm?
AquaVille +New Place new Location.


Backspace +We are a group of about 7 - 8 people. r0cket-Tracking is one of our projects, so it would be great if we could sit near muc.ccc (http://muc.ccc.de/)
Bytewerk +We're hackers but have no photophobia... of course sun should not blend our eyes during the whole daylight-time but if there's a nice place with a north- or west-side window in one of the upper floors - we would appreciate that. We need "fresh" air - please don't put us in the basement ;). We don't know the CCH but we aren't cool enough to sit next to a highly frequented door in winter ;).


C3MA +- Position fest im Forye Saal1 an der Treppe - Benötigen Tische und Plätze für ca. 15 Personen - Anreise 25. Dezember - Aufbau 26.Dezember - Abbau 30.Dezember Abends + 31. Dezember - Rückfahrt 31.Dezember
C3S +As of now, C3S is the sole project of the OpenMusicContest.org e.V. We had a space during the past congresses near the central lounge, which was really nice :-)
C3pb +We will be 8-10 people (we are more on the congress, but not all will be there the whole time). A spot apart from the main corridors is fine, too.
C4 +There might be some collaborative hacking on frab with the debian people, so maybe it would be nice to be next to them?
CAcert +As we need a place to concentrate a quiet corner would be great although people should still be able to find us easily. Also we'll need part of the seats oriented in a way so people can easily place themselves near us (e.g. in parallel to the direction people are walking along).
CCC Freiburg +Seating position near the shackspace and the Swiss (Basel) erfas would be great. (The same goes for Entropia = Karlsruhe, if they're there). Thanks!
Chaos macht Schule +Wir planen, dass aktive CmS-Gruppen ihre Assemblies an einem Platz haben, in den der CmS-Workshop integriert werden kann. Derzeit sind das der C3D2 (Dresden) und der Chaospott (Essen).
Chaosdorf +Nach Möglichkeit mit Wand im Nacken für Pesthörnchenflage(n) und so ein Zeug. 2x1 Gigabit Uplink zum Kongressnetz, gern mit Routing und/oder Spanningtree.
Chaostreff Dortmund +am besten nen tisch im erdgeschoss, irgendwo, wo nicht ALLE leute vorbeigeschleust werden
CryptoDotIs +Somewhere where we could have a decent conversation without needing to shout! This would be wonderful.
Cryptoparty +Would be great to place us next to CryptoDotIs, I2P 2, Cypherpunk.at and Hackeriet.


Debian +We expect people to turn up with laptops and hack on Debian, with occasional introductions into packaging given in between, so the ideal space has tables and is in an area that isn't too noisy to explain things to five people at a time. Info is still preliminary, probably more people will volunteer for workshops.
Dystopia +We'd like to have a place where virtually no-one comes by and we're pretty much alone in the dark (e.g. 1e). We'd also appreciate not to be seated near any Flausch/Pony/Feminism/Blogger/Politics groups. We'd like a very technical environment.


Entropia +eine etwas ruhige Ecke
EveryCook +Let's hack and cook recipes!


Fail0verflow +We need power and networking, and we prefer to be seated around one big table if possible :)
Flauscheria +A somewhat "quiet" corner would be great for the assembly, because we want to record podcasts.
Food Hacking Base +Hi everyone. Summary - We need place for foodhacking/brewing, to present our activities, to sit down and chat and socialize and run smaller scale workshops (below 15 people), all in one spot if possible, up to 20 people max at most busy periods, as close as possible to 29c3 angels kitchen, running water and sink would be super! This project is about making/hacking food and beverages as was the case on last three CCC events (http://events.ccc.de/camp/2011/wiki/Food_Hacking_Base camp, http://events.ccc.de/congress/2011/wiki/Food_hacking_base 28c3). We need to have place to gather, share our products as tasters promoting what is this about and be able to run workshops (on the spot if possible for smaller events, bigger workshops will be signed separately as workshops). Also it would be good to have this time more place to sit down and just chat. Last two years we had a small spot to ourselves which allowed us to present and keep some staff but we need something bigger during whole event, we have grown. I'm in touch with some ccc folk already included Kamiwolf (food archangel). If possible we should be located close to the ccc kitchen(heaven) because we hope to cooperate with the folk there (I was in charge of the night shift food preparations for angels at 28c3 and I hope to do the same this year). Honestly most of the people will sign in for the smaller scale lectures and workshops again one or two weeks before if not few days before the event and I need to make sure that they will have a decent location to do what they want. You have seen it happening before well it is here again :-)
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