


AK Vorrat
Weblink for assembly www.vorratsdatenspeicherung.de
Description: The Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung (German Working Group on Data Retention) is an association of civil rights campaigners, data protection activists and Internet users. The Arbeitskreis coordinates the campaign against the introduction of data retention in Germany.
Organizational information
Orga contact ryo.2012@gmx.de
Local workshops/lectures yes
Planned workshop/lectures - TBA, Meeting/Workshop about data retention, freedom not fear / european coordination with la quadrature du net and other groups, daily net-political fuckups m(
Member seats 10
Lecture seats 0
Power consumption
Planning notes Location near FoeBuD AKA Digital Courage
Other Assemblies
Archived page - Impressum/Datenschutz