


Weblink for assembly http://flauscheria.soup.io/
Description: Small workshops about D.I.Y. stuff like podcasting and information about projects like "Hardware für Alle".
Parts of assembly Xinitrc
Workshops Policccy
Organizational information
Orga contact flauschassembly@sofaphon.com
Area 2f
Things we bring Enough equipment for spontanious podcast recordings: microphones, notebooks, cables and stuff.
Local workshops/lectures maybe
Planned workshop/lectures Spontaneous workshops on D.I.Y. podcasting with a minimum of technical knowledge and equipment. Also: cocktails, knitting, cooking and other useful things for every day life.
Member seats 15
Lecture seats
Power consumption
Planning notes A somewhat "quiet" corner would be great for the assembly, because we want to record podcasts.
Other Assemblies

This assembly will be the home base of a peergroup which couldn't find a better name than the one of their IRC channel. Members of the assembly include people involved in following projects who will be available for any questions or feedback:

Also some creators of the following podcasts will also be there and ready for spontanious podcast recordings or exchange of experiences with other hobby podcasters:

We also plan to record the second episode of the "Sad Jazz Trombone Jazz Club" podcast as a follow up to the first episode recorded at this years SIGINT conference. (http://sadtrombonejazzclub.net/)

Archived page - Impressum/Datenschutz