Announcing FireShonks23 – Call for Angels

Announcing FireShonks23 – Call for Angels


The remote end-of-year event called FireShonks23 is hosted by r3s (remote-rhein-ruhr-stage) and Haecksen and will take place on 27–30 December 2023. Talks and workshops will be available to the public only remotely, workshops only live on the internet. Talks will subsequently be published on

With this format, we want to enable accessibility to topics that are otherwise only offered on-site. Low-barrier events require a very high level of organisation. We take advantage of online tools and event technology to achieve the best possible outcome for a community event.

The focus of …

Der CCC lädt zum 37. Chaos Communication Congress ein

Der CCC lädt zum 37. Chaos Communication Congress ein


The Chaos Computer Club is happy to welcome you between the years, this time again at the CCH in Hamburg. The Congress thrives on participation, so join assemblies, workshops, submit presentations, help as an angel or give feedback.

You can find the invitation on the CCC website. Mark your calendars! More details about the Congress will be published soon here on the blog and on the info pages.

The 37C3 will take place on 27~30 December unless prohibited by the authorities. All official infection control regulations will of course be implemented. This means that we are not planning any measures …

Camp 2023 – lost+found, BGP leftovers

Camp 2023 – lost+found, BGP leftovers


Camp 2023 is over, most of the pallets are sorted and back in our storage facilities. But there is one thing left: Your stuff. Did you lose something at Camp? Did you slip up on collecting a parcel from the BGP? Did your parcel arrive late? No worries, here is how to get your stuff back:

Lost + Found

If you lost something, please write an email to Our friendly wardrobe team takes care of lost and found items and will be happy to help with your request.


If you forgot to collect a parcel or your parcel arrived late, please contact us at Provide as much …

NooK 2023 - Call for Participation

NooK 2023 - Call for Participation


The NooK-Orga is still looking for additional presentations, workshops, and lightning talks for the eleventh “Night of Open Knowledge” (NooK) on November 3rd and 4th, 2023, in Lübeck. Submissions of talks, lightning talks, workshops, and booths are possible until September 30th!

NooK is all about bringing the topics that inspire you and sharing your knowledge and skills. Whether you’ve engaged with a subject in your hobby, club, university, work, or political activism, the NooK team warmly invites you to submit your topic.

Over the past years, there have been exciting …

Camp 2023 – Feedback

Camp 2023 – Feedback


While some people are currently still packing the leftovers from the camp on pallets and loading them into trucks, others are struggling with the post-camp syndrome. We hope that you all had a good time with wonderful people and that the good memories of exciting days and crazy nights prevail.

After the camp is before the next camp - so we need your feedback. What was really good? What didn’t work at all? Where do you see room for improvement? Did you miss something that you know from other events? We are especially interested in feedback on the info pages, the matrix event chat and the …

#clubsAREculture: Kickr-off event in Frankfurt (Main) on 25th Aug 2023

#clubsAREculture: Kickr-off event in Frankfurt (Main) on 25th Aug 2023


The campaign #clubsAREculture aims to advance the recognition of clubs as cultural venues and to safeguard club culture in times of serious crises and important political decisions.

#clubsAREculture is a joint platform for protagonists who are committed to the recognition of club and music clubs as culture. These include the Bundesstiftung LiveKultur (Federal Foundation Live Culture), the LiveMusikKommission with numerous affiliated member associations and the Chaos Computer Club.

CCC events such as the latest camp would not be possible without the support of the club and festival scene. We …

Ende. Aus. Finito.

Ende. Aus. Finito.


Everything has an end …

… unfortunately also the camp. On saturday there will be the closing with snoopy and leona at 8pm. On Sunday there will be the big departure wave. To make your departure as pleasant as possible we have worked out a dismantling plan.

Help with teardown

We urgently need help with teardown. Please consider staying a few more days. The more help we get, the faster and nicer everyone will get off the site. Please contact the Himmel.

Electricity and infrastructure

All sanitary facilities, except for those at the facilities at the Kidsspace and all dry toilets …

Camp 2023 – Awareness

Camp 2023 – Awareness


There will be an awareness team at the camp in 2023 again. c3awareness is there for you if, for example:

  • you have been harassed or discriminated against,
  • your personal boundaries have been violated,
  • you experience (personal or structural) discrimination,
  • you feel uncomfortable and need a person to talk to.

The most direct way to reach us is by DECT (113), but you can also contact us by mail, via Mastodon or Matrix. If you don’t have DECT, you can also go to the Infodesk or ask someone with DECT to call us. Or you can come to our contact point at CERT.

If you are asking yourself, “Can I go to …

Camp 2023 – C3VOC.TV / Mobile Recording Setup

Camp 2023 – C3VOC.TV / Mobile Recording Setup



  • We will have a TV Studio, and you can use it
  • We need your content and your help

This year, C3VOC and C3 News Show will be presenting their own content in the form of the C3VOC.TV project. Our goal is to capture all the small and big details that can be found outside of the large stages. Informational content for all on camp, around camp and even those who stayed at home will be part of the schedule. We’ll be building our own TV studio in the Feldbahnschau building. News, talk shows, games, interviews, cooking or everything else you could fit in a small TV studio is possible. Either …

Camp 2023 – Fahrplan 0.9 release

Camp 2023 – Fahrplan 0.9 release


After many hours of reviews and haggling over the proposed entries, the content teams are proud to present you version 0.9 of the Fahrplan.

Find the schedule on pretalx

We and our awesome speakers and artists present you about 150 Talks, over 60 workshops and almost 50 performance gigs on 10 stages and areas.

For the Chaos Communication Camp 2023, we took a new approach to create this programme, with stages being run by multiple villages. We had to learn a lot while running this approach, so this first schedule comes pretty late. We would like to apologise for any inconvenience this has caused …

The first Hacks on the Harbour #hoth23

The first Hacks on the Harbour #hoth23


Hacks on the Harbour is a Maker & Hacker Festival right at the harbour of Sønderborg (Denmark). There is a beautiful view, a varied programme, many workshops and talks – and of course lots of space to make new contacts! Tickets are free, but we would appreciate a donation to cover costs, e.g. for our big dinner.


This event is for anyone who is interested in or passionate about making, programming, hacking, tinkering, soldering, 3D printing, chaos and net politics. You don’t need to be an expert or have any previous knowledge to take part in this event.

The best thing to do is just …

Camp 2023 – Our content teams need your feedback

Camp 2023 – Our content teams need your feedback


Our content teams are about to draft the first release of the schedule for the camp. We have many exciting submissions and we would like to compile a schedule that allows everyone to attend every event he or she is interested in. To get close to that, we have created a content feedback tool where you can indicate your preferences and we will use your feedback to optimize our schedule and schedule events preferred by the same audience not in parallel.

Please go to where you will see a list of confirmed submissions with their abstracts. …