36c3 Assembly Anreise

36c3 Assembly Anreise


Dear Assemblies,

please be aware that you need to have your congress-wristband to enter the premises starting from 27.12. Furthermore we need the number plates of the cars with which you intend to deliver stuff. Please send them as a mail to 36c3@c3loc.de or call us at 0341-39294864, the gate will only let declared cars pass.

Entry to the premises has to happen via Gate Süd 1, from there you’re able to drive directly to the halls. You can look up which hall your assembly is placed in using c3nav. Please use the logistics area in front of Hall 2 – Gate 2.5, Hall 2 – Gate 2.6 and Hall 3 – Gate …

Collect your #cccamp19 Angel Shirt at #36C3


Congress or Camp would not be possible without the support of heaven and the angels. If you worked enough voluntary angel shifts at #cccamp19, you earned a special edition angel shirt.
Unfortunately, some of you never received your well-deserved shirt:
Maybe you never came by our tent; maybe we ran out of your specific size; you name it!

This is why we placed a follow-up order, ready for collection at #36C3 \o/

Please drop by the C3 Angel Fashion Operation Center at #36C3 to collect your #cccamp19 angel shirt, if you have not yet received one!
In case you did not quite complete the necessary …

C3GSM wants you to test yesterday’s future, today!


tl;dr: we will operate our own cellular network at 36C3. Bring your
mobile phone(s) and C3SIM card(s). Check the Wiki for latest status and device support.

Like previous years at 36C3 the C3GSM team will run a local cellular
network for mobile phones, alongside the
POC’s DECT system and the NOC’s IPv4 and IPv6 systems. As core network
for our cellular network we use the open source projects osmocom (for
2G/3G) and NextEPC (for 4G). There will only be a very limited number of
SIM cards available to buy. However, cards from previous CCC events can
be used, so please don’t forget to bring them. …

Self-Organized-Sessions open to get filled by you!


Self-Organized-Sessions are your chance to present a topic that is dear to you in a way that works best for you: It may be a workshop or a lecture, it may be a discussion, but it could also be a contest or a game. You can choose any duration between as short as 30 minutes and up to 3 hours.

Choose any topic you care about – your favorite programming language, a hobby you’ve started hacking, or a discussion group to find friends with similar interests – expand the topics and the program of 36C3!

Please head on to the Wiki and enter your session to contribute your bit to a diverse and versatile …

„Chaos macht Schule“ – Youth Hacking Day at 36C3


You cannot possibly start hacking soon enough! That’s why “Chaos macht Schule”—the German initiative by the Chaos Computer Club to take Hacking into schools—runs Youth Hacking Day at December 28th 2019 from 10:00 to 17:00 CET at 36C3. Several assemblies provide workshops for young hackers, ranging from soldering to building robots, but also covering more traditional subjects like programming or mathematical puzzles.

To give youth a first glimpse of what it’s like at one of the biggest hacker conferences in the world, there will be special tickets for Youth Hacking Day—like in previous years. …

Meet the 36C3 track team “Resilience and Sustainability”


We’re 36C3’s Resilience and Sustainability content team and want to show you just our bit of work that helped making this year’s Fahrplan as amazing as it has turned out.

Our team consists of hackers and scientists, tinkerers and PhDs and was formed for 34C3 when we felt that the conference was developing a blind spot between complete destruction of all the IT things and the fascinations for the resulting apocalypse. We wanted to give a stage to new and shiny useful technology for a better and more resilient world – with actual prototypes!

This year’s motto “resource exhaustion” added a …

36C3 Phone registration is open

36C3 Phone registration is open


We are pleased to inform you that even with Resource Exhaustion the registration of telephone extensions for the 36th Chaos Communication Congress is open. Don’t get confused by the social media, it works without any voucher :-). You can claim your DECT, SIP or GSM extension in the Generic User Registration Utility (GURU). Like last year, you can register your devices on site yourself. Don’t forget your devices and chargers, chasing records, this year we want to break last year’s 6488 extensions.

Stay connected!

Chaospatinnen on 36C3

Chaospatinnen on 36C3


It’s that time again – the Chaos Communication Congress is coming! It may be the third time in Leipzig, but this will be many people’s first visit the Congress – perhaps even your own! Maybe you need a little help to get off to a good start.

Who are the Chaos Mentors for?

Are you a member of an underrepresented group in the hacker community, and unsure if you will feel safe and comfortable at the event? Do you have specific needs that make it more difficult to participate for you? Are you interested in topics such as privacy, security, hardware hacking, or network policies, but have so far had …

Call for Angels for the 36C3 buildup and teardown

Call for Angels for the 36C3 buildup and teardown



The buildup and teardown of 36C3 needs angels!

If you want to help with the buildup, you can come to Messe Leipzig from the 18th of December and show up in Heaven (CCL) or in hall 4 for info.
Bring warm clothes and solid shoes. Safety shoes, if you have some.
Be careful – buildup means the halls are construction sites! Take care of yourself and others. Stay in safe distance from vehicles and heavy machines and leave your pets at home. Please don’t bring children before the official start of the event if possible.
If you can stay a couple of days longer and want to earn eternal angel …

36C3: re-generative design :-)


If you played around with veith yaeger‘s 35C3 design, chances are you used bleeptrack’s 35C3 design generator.

If you loved graphorama‘s CCCamp19 design as much as we did, you probably enjoyed bleeptrack’s cccamp19 generator just as much.

We are sure you’re going to love bleeptrack‘s 36C3 design.
Of course, there’s a 36C3 generator by bleeptrack :-)


As usual, you can find a styleguide, example logos and fancy open source code in the wiki.

36C3: Camping


Du schläfst am liebsten im eigenen Bett?
In deinem fahrbaren Untersatz bist zu Hause?
Du suchst nur noch nach einem gut gelegenen Platz?

Deine Suche hat ein Ende. Du wirst das Congress-Gelände nicht verlassen müssen.
Tragen deine Füße nicht mehr, fällst du einfach ein paar Schritte aus Halle 2 direkt ins eigene Bett. Morgens machst dich kurz frisch und stürzt dich zum Frühstück gleich wieder ins Getümmel.

Direkt auf dem Leipziger Messegelände haben wir wieder einige Stellplätze für Wohnmobile, Wohnwagen und Bullis klargemacht, von denen du dir nun schnell noch einen sichern kannst.

Für 150€ …

Behind the scenes: Chaos Communication Congress presale

A scanner, watching you. Beep!

A scanner, watching you. Beep!

Have you ever tried to solve a problem that is completely, utterly, ridiculously impossible?

Welcome to our world! We’re the team running the Chaos Communication Congress ticket sales, and we want to follow the good example set by the content teams, and explain a bit of our work.

Now, from the outside, our problems may not seem all that impossible. In fact, you may think we have very little problems indeed: We run the presale of a …