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The Event

The 33rd Chaos Communication Congress (33C3) is an annual four-day conference on technology, society and utopia. The Congress offers lectures and workshops and various events on a multitude of topics including (but not limited to) information technology and generally a critical-creative attitude towards technology and the discussion about the effects of technological advances on society.

For 33 years, the congress has been organized by the community and appreciates all kinds of participation. You are encouraged to contribute by volunteering, setting up and hosting hands-on and self-organized events with the other components of your assembly or presenting your own projects to fellow hackers. Some basic survival guidelines might come in handy for everything not answered in our 33C3 FAQ. Updated information are covered by the CCC Events Blog or via Twitter (@CCC).

As this website is part of a wiki you can contribute information, too. Login or register an account and go ahead. Refer to the 33C3-wiki-usermanual and the help page for information about using this MediaWiki.