From 33C3_Public_Wiki
Document press reviews! Give us your own feedback! Link to your photos!
- awesome people everywhere
- so many angels!
- Catering in Heaven was awesome
- Many families with kids
- Unisex toilets greatly decreased the toilet queues.
- Local mirror of the wiki worked great!
- No possibility to get Tschunk without having to inhale smoke
- suggestion: also sell Tschunk at the Cocktail bar on the 4th floor
- So much smoke, it even leaked out the assemblies.
- Suggestion: Get more ventilation or smoker rooms for the "club" area
- CSS makes the wiki unreadable. Please make at least the uppercase transformation customizable. Made a custom CSS which removes the worst ideas ;-)
- Merch sales:
- Long queue
- Popular sizes were gone in no time
- Suggestion: Sell Merch with the tickets. If people don't fetch their Merch by day 3 put it on sale.
Lost & Found?!
- you find the Lost and Found at the Wardrobe (Level 0)