Public transport in Leipzig for 34C3: Discount ticket pre-sale open

tram innen

Warm and all night: Tram.
neitech, BY-NC-ND 2.0.

For the first time in the history of CCC, Congress will not be held in a downtown area but a little further out. We had to relocate to Messe

Leipzig this year. This comes with a number of challenges. Moving conveniently between downtown and the 34C3 location is one of these challenges that we put a lot of thought and energy in. Hotel capacities at the fair grounds are limited, …

Be a part of 34C3: Become an Angel in our System!

Be a part of 34C3: Become an Angel in our System!


If you asked yourself: How can a chaotic hacker event like the Chaos Communication Congress run so smoothly for so many years when nobody gets paid for anything? We would like to explain and also ask for your help.

We call all our volunteers „Angels“. They normally carry a badge, and they are the backbone of everything. They are cleaning, filling the stomachs, providing high quality videos, and answering your questions all day long.

Last year more than 2.500 Angels helped to run the Congress with 12.500 visitors. The number of participants who register as Angels has grown over the years. And …

34C3 Press Accreditation: Please read carefully!


For journalistic coverage of the 34th Chaos Communication Congress, members of the press – print media, photo, radio, TV, film, online media and news agencies – are kindly asked to request press accreditation.

Please send your name and the media you will report for to Please inform us in advance if your reporting includes picture or video production. Please note that accreditation request sent to other addresses are likely to be lost.

The deadline to submit an application for press accreditation is December 15th, 2017. We’ll be glad to answer any questions by …

A galactic Congress welcomes all lifeforms

A galactic Congress welcomes all lifeforms


Anyone who ever experienced the distinct feeling of „wow!“ on the first Congress knows: There’s an outside world and then there’s Congress. Even though the event copes with challenges that come with growth, we think we’ve built a space that promotes tolerance, curiosity, fun, open-minded communication, friendliness and cooperation. Unlike traditional conferences, where visitors receive full service for paying an entrance fee, CCC events are run by volunteers. The whole event is organized by people who buy their own tickets and spend their holidays to make it happen. Visiting 34c3 means to …

The Congress is not only what the streams tell you


Das Programm im Fahrplan und auf den Bühnen des 34. Chaos Communication Congress ist nur ein sehr kleiner Teil dessen, was die größte Hacker-Zusammenkunft Europas ausmacht. Der Congress lebt vor allem davon, was wir alle draus machen: viele Workshops, Bastel-Projekte in einer unglaublichen Vielfalt, kleinere Bühnen in den Assemblies und natürlich die Gespräche und Revolutionspläne auf den Gängen. Denn der 34C3 ist bei weitem nicht nur, was aus den Streams kommt.

chaos communication …</p>
	<div class= Read more …

34C3: tuwat


Those in power today believe that national security can only be achieved by the use of computers.

The realisation that computers cannot go on strike is beginning to dawn even on mid-sized …

Chaospatinnen on 34C3


It’s that time again – the Chaos Communication Congress is coming! This year the congress moves to Leipzig and many new people will visit the Congress for the first time, perhaps even you? If so then we want to welcome you and help you get off to a good start.

Who are the Chaos Mentors for?

You’ve always wanted to go to the Chaos Communication Congress and are interested in topics such as privacy, security, hardware hacking or network policies, but have so far had little to no connection to the community? You visit the congress, but you have the impression that you are not one of these …

Assemblies – it’s about time!

Assemblies – it’s about time!


tl;dr register your assembly asap

We’ll have a huge chunk of an exhibition hall for the Assemblies with nearly three times the space as there was in Hamburg. To transform a faceless and boring exhibition hall into a cosy, hacky, welcoming and inspirational place, we need you!

Over the last years the concept of Assemblies was constantly evolving and changing. With our move to Leipzig, there are new challenges and opportunities. In this huge space, Assemblies, people and groups will gather around different subjects, interests and competences. These will be represented by “Chaos Competence …

PrivacyWeek 2017: Der Vorverkauf läuft


23. bis 29. Oktober, Volkskundemuseum, Wien

Die PrivacyWeek des Chaos Computer Clubs Wien geht in die zweite Runde. In diesem Jahr expandieren wir auf einen zweiten Saal im Volkskundemuseum im 8. Wiener Bezirk und freuen uns auf zahlreiche Besucher. Das Volkskundemuseum ist in der Laudongasse 15-19 in 1080 Wien.

Das Programm

Das Programm der PrivacyWeek wird am Freitag veröffentlicht und umfasst Vorträge, Workshops, …

34C3 Tickets: Status and Open Sale


Since August, the first tickets for 34C3 can be bought using a voucher. This voucher phase will continue until October, 15th 2017 or until the ticket quota assigned for this phase is empty. At this point, all issued vouchers will be invalid with the exception of Angel vouchers which are valid until November, 15th 2017.

After the end of the first phase, we will open the ticket shop to everyone interested. To distribute chances to buy a ticket more fairly, we will distribute the remaining tickets into three quotas on three dates:

  • Thursday, 2017-10-19 20:00 CEST,
  • Sunday, 2017-10-29 15:00 CET …

34C3 Bildungsurlaub [Stand: 2017-11-17]


Auch dieses Jahr strebt der Chaos Communication Congress an, als Bildungsveranstaltung in einigen Bundesländern anerkannt zu werden. Damit sind Congress-Teilnehmer in der Lage, Bildungsurlaub zu beantragen und müssen nicht ihren normalen Erholungsurlaub dafür verwenden.

Bei Fragen ist das Bildungsurlaubsteam via Twitter zu erreichen: @c3edu


Auf dieser Karte ist der …

34C3: Call for Participation and Submission Guidelines

34C3: Call for Participation and Submission Guidelines


The CCC calls for participation and your submissions!

34C334th Chaos Communication Congress
December 27th through 30th 2017, Leipziger Exhibition Grounds in Leipzig.

The Event

The Chaos Communication Congress is the Chaos Computer Club’s (CCC) annual symposium and hacker party. During four days between Christmas and New Years Eve, thousands of hackers, technology freaks, artists, and utopians get together in Leipzig to communicate, learn from each other, and party together. We focus on topics such as information technology, networks, digital security, making, and breaking. We engage in …