tu wat – GSM and UMTS will be ready


Good news everybody: There will be GSM at 34c3! We even have 5000 plain
white SIM cards available which will be distributed by the POC again,
for a small fee of 2€ per card. SIM cards from previous events will work
as well.

The GSM network will work on 1800 MHz (DCS-1800), so it should work with
all European and quad band phones.

Additionally to the GSM network, there will also be a UMTS (3G) network
on 850 MHz (Band 5). These frequencies are very common in US phones and
should also work a lot of modern high-end LTE (4G) phones. If you want
to be sure, please look it up for your specific …

34C3 CTF


This year we celebrate the 6th anniversary of the C3 CTF. Grab some of your hacker friends and sign up. In case you’ve been living under a rock, Capture the Flag (CTF) is a team-based competition testing hacker skills like Read more …

The Chaos Emergency Response Team: CERT

The Chaos Emergency Response Team: CERT


Did you ever feel sick or had an accident at Congress or one of our Camps? We hope not. But if so, then you probably know the Chaos Emergency Response Team (CERT). It is a team of trained medical and fire prevention personnel who help in case of need. They take care for a safe and sound event and aim to reduce dangers of all kinds.

cert feuerloescher

It is twenty years ago this year since the idea emerged to have an emergency team of …

Phone infrastructure at 34C3

Phone infrastructure at 34C3


Needless to say, we will provide to you a phone infrastructure at Leipzig. Please do not forget to bring your DECT and mobile phone with you (and the correct charger, maybe even a headset if you have one). The congress is hosted in Leipzig for the first time, really the biggest congress location ever and maybe we have some unknown constraints. We are prepared for this big event with up to four system components (in Hamburg we had one) and up to 60 antennas (in Hamburg we had 45). We try our best to provide a comprehensive DECT network, but can’t promise because of the unknown building. If you …

Call for Interpreters: translate 34C3!


If you are multilingual and fluent in German and English, please consider joining the translation team.

We interpret ALL talks in the four main halls live. German talks are interpreted into English, and vice versa. Our work is transmitted live in the lecture halls, streamed to the Internet, and recordings are published on CCC sites and YouTube. Also, like last year, we will be having a second translation channel in the two largest halls (Saal A & B) transmitted the same way.

That is a lot of stuff to translate, and for that we need YOU. At Saal A & B, you have the chance to contribute …

Self-organized Sessions forms are opening on WED DEC 20th, 9 PM CET


Many of you have been patiently asking for this: Finally we’ll have the wiki forms ready for you to enter your self-organized sessions on Wednesday, 9 PM CET. That way you’ll wide up the topics and the program of 34C3 and contribute your bit to a divers and versatile congress!

With the move to Leipzig come some changes: The CCL has fewer rooms than the CCH so we needed something new. Thus we created the concept of “clusters” with stages. This year there are a number of clusters, each one committed to one or two topics. Each cluster has at least one stage, some have more. They often have their …

tuwat – Assemblies at 34C3


Dear Assemblies,

many of you are already preparing for the 34th Chaos Communication Congress.
You are planing, crafting and packing. In order to achieve a stress-free congress build-up at our new venue, we like to inform you about this year’s specifics:

tudat: Rules of the Game for Assemblies

Noise and Sound

Hall 2 will contain areas for assemblies, Kidspace, bar, catering and other installations amongst which some thousand chaotic nerds will mingle on 15.000 square meters.
The remaining 5.000 square meters in Hall 2 are seperated from assembly space via movable partition walls and will …

Autism at 34C3

Autism at 34C3


TL;DR: If you need a quiet place or support, you can reach out to Sam, see below for contact details.

The Chaos Communication Congress is a tolerant and welcoming space for lifeforms of all kinds. In accordance with our hacker ethics we do not draw any difference based on ethnicity, gender, degrees or else. In short: Congress is colorful.

It is not always easy to accommodate the needs and wishes of every single group or individual. But that doesn’t mean we’re not trying to do our best. We listen to your criticism and recommendations and try to get a little better every year, expanding our …

Einladung zum Junghackertag auf dem 34C3


Zu unserer Freude haben sich in den letzten Jahren immer mehr Junghacker auf dem Congress eingefunden. Daher bieten wir auch diesmal, wie schon in den Vorjahren, einen speziell auf Kinder und Jugendliche zugeschnittenen Junghackertag an. Am zweiten Congresstag, dem 28. Dezember, organisieren Freiwillige aus vielen Assemblies von etwa 10 bis 17 Uhr ein vielseitiges Workshop-Programm für angehende Hacker und Hackerinnen.


CC BY-SA 2.0 via flickr/cchana

Wer …



Dear Angels,

Below are some important details for the 34C3 Buildup.
Please read them carefully.

Buildup Angel

Similar to the 34C3 it self, buildup and teardown only work thanks to the heroic effort and participation of countless volunteers. Warm thanks to everyone who helps to bring Congress to Leipzig, we very much appreciate every bit of help.
Even though buildup nominally starts on the 16.12. true parallelization does not take hold until the 18.12.. Before that we need some time to boot and warm up ourselves. For this reason our suggestion (especially to non-local volunteers) is to have a …

auchwat: Chaos Camping Crew


Du schläfst am liebsten im eigenen Bett?
In deinem fahrbaren Untersatz bist zu Hause?
Du suchst nur noch nach einem gut gelegenen Platz?

Deine Suche hat ein Ende.

Direkt auf dem Leipziger Messegelände haben wir 200 Stellplätze für Wohnmobile, Wohnwagen und Bullis klargemacht, von denen du dir nun schnell noch einen sichern kannst.

Für 100€ pro Reisemobil oder Wohnwagen bieten wir dir

  • einen Stellplatz vom 25.-31. Dezember (jeweils 12:00h)
  • inklusive Frischwasserversorgung
  • inklusive Stromversorgung (230V/16A)
    Hinweis: Der Anschluss kann als Schuko- oder als 3-poliger CEE-Stecker (DIN49462) …

Real soon now: Fahrplan-Release

34c3 halfnarp

fullnarp impression

The 34C3 Congress schedule (Fahrplan) needs proper planning and is an incredibly complex task. And it’s all about you: Offering over 500 submissions, sharing your knowledge and important political and technical insights for free. We’re using sophisticated tools, and a lot of manual work to end up with a well-planned schedule. You helped not just with providing your preferences on talks you want to see, but also …