rC3 2021 NOWHERE

rC3 2021 NOWHERE


rC3 will take place again this year, online only. Now here in the nowhere. Nowhere here and now. No, where?

This year’s motto is “NOWHERE”.

Humanity and climate crisis. Poverty and hunger. Value inflation. The second pandemic year. At the same time … Tourists in space. Political games. Insecurity and frustration everywhere.

Meanwhile a short conversation somewhere at/over a little German data toilet.

“Hey, what to do? No Chaos Communication Congress event? Nothing? Nowhere?” “Hold on. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel. An online event at …

Remote Chaos Experience

Remote Chaos Experience


Last week we had to announce the decision to cancel this year’s congress. Alas, we don’t want to leave you alone at the end of the year and come back to our experiences and wonderful moments of last year’s rC3.

What can I expect?

Many crews worked on their own tools during the course of the year to optimize the interaction between WorkAdventure and the platform. We also have many ideas for the design of the 2D world – but it needs you to come alive.

Furthermore, we want to come back to our idea of having smaller, local events in your own hackspaces. This includes the joint programme with …

PrivacyWeek #pw21 Call for Angels

PrivacyWeek #pw21 Call for Angels


Dear Chaos people and friends of PrivacyWeek,

October has come and in three weeks, PrivacyWeek will be underway. We’re very much looking forward to you and your support.


  • Date: October 25.-31. 2021
  • Motto: “Sea of Data” (“Datenmeer”)
  • Location: online only
  • Registration: engel.privacyweek.at

Even with an online only event, there is lots to do: pixeling the map, technical support for speakers and audience, presenting/heralding, chat moderation, stream production, signal angels and some other things more. Also team C3Lingo, who’ll be doing the translation …

Auch 2021 leider kein Congress in Leipzig

Auch 2021 leider kein Congress in Leipzig


Over the past few weeks, we have carefully evaluated the possibilities for a Chaos Communication Congress 2021 in Leipzig. In a joint discussion of the many different teams involved in the organization, we have determined: The necessary protective measures and restrictions would distort the spirit of the event beyond recognition.

For this reason, we have jointly decided not to have a presence event in Leipzig this year.

We know that many of you were looking forward to a meeting in Leipzig. You would have gladly accepted restrictions, requirements and security precautions. At a certain point, …

Datenspuren 2021: Log Down Light

Datenspuren 2021: Log Down Light


tl;dr: 18.–19. September 2021 Datenspuren in Dresden

07:39:01 CRON[797003]: (root) CMD ( [ -x /usr/lib/php/sessionclean ] && \
if [ ! -d /run/systemd/system ]; then /usr/lib/php/sessionclean; fi)

Aus den Rechenzentren dieser Welt ertönt ein dröhnendes Rauschen.

07:49:11 asterisk[1427]: #033[1;33mNOTICE#033[0m[1734]: #033[1;37mchan_sip.c#033
[0m:#033[1;37m15981#033[0m #033[1;37msip_reg_timeout#033[0m: -- Registration for
'6888@voip.eventphone.de' timed out, trying again (Attempt #684751)

In dunklen Kammern rauschen Logdateien auf die Festplatten, um dann meistbietend versteigert …

40 Years CCC: Call for Videos

40 Years CCC: Call for Videos



  • The c3news team is asking for CCC birthday greetings from you
  • Deadline: AUG 24 2021

Send your CCC birthday greeting

The CCC turns 40. The c3news team wants to produce a birthday video with as many CCC voices as possible. To participate, send a short video to the c3news team, about why you are at the CCC, some cool experiences you had – or just a simple Happy Birthday!

DEADLINE: by end of August 24 2021

All Details: https://40years.c3news.show/

PrivacyWeek: Call for Participation

PrivacyWeek: Call for Participation



#pw21 “Sea of Data”
Date: October 25 to 31, 2021
Call for Participation: https://cfp.privacyweek.at/pw21/
Motto: Sea of Data
Location: online-only

The CfP is Open

The call for participation is now open! Enter your contributions for #pw21 with the motto “Sea of Data” here:

How the world will look like in October, we can hardly predict. What we can do is, making an online PrivacyWeek happen that satisfies our requirement of being a safe harbour and a compass for everyone, who finds themselves lost in the vast sea of data.

As every year we organise a full …

Status of the Event at the End of 2021

Status of the Event at the End of 2021


TL;DR: We’re trying to make an on-site event happen. There will be, in any case, an online part. More info later in the year.

It’s an early time in the year, especially for blogpost regarding the congress. Nevertheless we want to inform you about our plans regarding an event end of the year. Even though it’s not clear how an event end of 2021 could be like, we are going to try to make an on-site event happen at the usual time of the year. whether that is possible or not is uncertain at this point.

In any case, there will be an online part.

We’re optimistic that we’ll have more information for …

DiVOC: Reboot to Respawn


DiVOC Reboot to Respawn in English

Wir spielen gerade ein sehr gefährliches Spiel auf unserem Planeten und jedes Mal, wenn wir sehen, dass es uns und unsere Lebensgrundlage zerstört, drücken wir dennoch immer wieder auf „continue“. In Wirklichkeit wird nur – wenn überhaupt – ein kompletter Reboot helfen, sowohl politisch als auch wirtschaftlich, sozial und auch kulturell. Wir haben nur eine Erde als Hardware und unser Life-Support läuft aus.

Dabei ist die Diskussion, ob etwas getan werden muss, ehrlich gesagt auch schon durch. Deshalb muss jetzt endlich darüber geredet werden, was getan werden …

DiVOC: Call for Watchamacallit

DiVOC: Call for Watchamacallit



We’re looking for sessions, angels, and maps. To make the first DiVOC this year a full success, we need three things: angels, self-organized sessions, and maps. Therefor, here are three calls in one. And we have merch!

Call for Maps

The rC3 world was great, and for r2r we’d like to continue it on a smaller scale, so r2r will have a lobby. If you’d like to contribute one or more maps and hook them up to the lobby, please mail us at welt@diese-welt-ist-schlecht.de. Please let us know your hack space/group/project, the link your map is hosted at, and the start layer we …

Free long distance calls at Easter

Free long distance calls at Easter


It’s been exactly one year since the pandemic crashed our party. The DiVOC (German: Digital Verteiltes Online-Chaos, means Digital Distributed Online Chaos) will be celebrating its first anniversary under the motto Reboot to Respawn (R2R) and will allow us to have a place on the net to meet and exchange ideas. Framed from Good Friday to Easter Monday (02.04. – 05.04.2021) with a program of talks, art and music.  :-)

To ensure that you can communicate undisturbed and unwatched as usual, there will be again a telephone infrastructure, which will technically correspond to that …

Call For Participation: Reboot to Respawn (r2r) (2nd – 5th of April 2021)

Call For Participation: Reboot to Respawn (r2r) (2nd – 5th of April 2021)



This year’s first DiVOC, the #r2r, will be taking place from Good Friday to Easter Monday, 2nd – 5th of April 2021. Practical solutions for the ongoing climate and social crisis will be the main topics, however, as always, we also appreciate talks on cultural and technical topics. Saturday, 27th February will be the absolute deadline for entries. Entries only via an account in pretalx under: https://pretalx.c3voc.de/divoc-reboot-to-respawn-2021/cfp

long read:

It is a very dangerous game we’re playing on our planet, and although we seem to realize, at least from time to time, that we’re …