Has past congress review

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3D Hackspace +Would be nice to either get the spot from 32C3 or 31C3.  +
3D-Printing +Last year the original 3d printing assembly got split into 2 parts, obelix and the rest. the rest was at a rather bad place for 3d printing, loud, next to the stage and random rushes of hordes running to the talks. The years before were much better at level 1 (location i marked), next to the entrance. If possible bring us all there, if not and obelix wants to stay at level 2 we can also split the 3d printing assembly, but as the founder i would find this sad. Obelix will be there at setup, and we hope the rest of the team can join at 26th. In case of a split be aware: 3d printing berlin is then not only berlin, but also is joined by Dresden, Hannover and Hamburg so alltogether 6 People and thier printers, so please try to give us some room for us and the printers. (14 seats)  +


Anagrom Ataf +In the last two years, we used the assembly as a calm, safe retreat zone, where we could meet each other and recharge our batteries a bit. We wrote a mail describing our situation to c3-assemblies@lists.ccc.de at 2016-11-14, I quote: "Vielleicht erweichen wir ja ihre Herzen, wenn wir schreiben, dass wir ein Zusammenschluss von Introvertierten sind, die einen Congress nur mit einem ruhigen Rückzugsort überstehen." But if there will be a designated quiet area, we can surely find some seats there without an official assembly. We're open to feedback and questions!  +
Anarchist Village +we would like to have the space as last year: level two besides the stairways (not the space in front of the stairways, this used to be space for the NGOs which are NOT part of anarchist village)  +
Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung / Datenschutzraum e.V. +AK Vorrat space was always a nice place to meet and talk,  +
Assembly der Informatikfachschaften (AIF) +The AIF assembly was officially held the first time at 32c3, after informal meeting sessions starting at 29c3. However, last year we did not plan ahead of time very well and ended up in a not so nice place very distant from related assemblies. Thus for this year it would be great to get a place closer to our friends.  +


Bare Metal Arduino +We have been for the last 2 years with a table in the main hall and this is perfect for us. Easy to move around and very easy for people to approach us. We are open people who networked in an a-hoc way..I think a photo of our table was in an on-line Zeitung!! What we want to do this year is get our brains behind the assembly principle to help others. I realised that we take our know-how for granted and learned through Mitch that there are a lot of enthusiasts there wanting to get involved and have a growing experience.  +
BlinkenArea +Location on 32C3 was excellent, but since there are a lot more of us coming this year, it may not provide enough space. If the location near POC is not available, the location from 32C3 would be our second choice.  +


C3S +we've had booths since ~25C3 (OMC then, C3S now). we're mostly talking with people about our project and offer some merch to support it. we've learned from the past three congresses that there's often times when several people want to talk to us at once, and we were really happy we always had enough space for that. since we also bring a lot of merchandising stuff, it would be awesome to again get one or two of those large CCH cloakroom tables. the last two times, we were happy in the noisy square. the small area between the escalator/stairs of the 1st and 2nd floor was great for us.  +
CCCFr +Past projects: Congress Everywhere Frontend Stage, Knitting Workshop, 3D Printing Past locations did work for us  +
CONGRESS SEWING CIRCLE +The 3-5 machines do need power (~100w each)  +
Chan +We've had this assembly twice already and everything was fine.  +
Chaos West +Wir nehmen wieder Halle 4 mit der C-Base dank  +
Chaostreff Flensburg +At 32c3 we had an assembly of 2 tables in hall 3. Our experience was, as stated by other groups as well, that we brought to much stuff. You dont need the 42 3d- printer at your assembly. We specifically said that this time we want to focus more on cool projects, workshops and talks. The assembly should still be a small gathering for us, but not more than necessary. The main focus should be our projects, not a mess of cables and Mate bottles.  +
Chaostreff Osnabrück e.V. +We had Assemblys at the last two conferences and always used it as gathering space. We always were about 30-40 people and we were always happy with our 8-10 seats we had over the last years. It was sufficient as gathering and orga-place.  +
Chaoswelle +same place as last year required, no other place possible  +
CocktailBot +last time, we were happy with our space and did work well together with premiumcola and raumzeitlabor. no need for a change  +
Computerwerk +We were happy with the space we got at 31C3, but we didn't have the internet café that time.  +
Coreboot +We had only one table so two would be better because we need to disassemble laptops and servers which requires a lot space.  +
Cryptoparty +we were quite happy with the placement of our assembly last year as it made it super easy to talk to people and network. some of those people even began to host CryptoParties in their city afterwards or got involved in an existing group\o/.  +


Darkscience +Previous year I visited the congress as a member of the Scottish Consulate assembly. Basically, if we could have a similar sort of space and utilities as they had then, we'd be happy.  +
Datenschmutz +Letztes Jahr waren wir zu weit hinten eingeplant, konnten dann aber "nach vorne" ziehen, als Richtung Menschenstrom, was klasse war, weil so viel Laufkundschaft reinkam. Weil letztes Mal vorgedrucken Auskunfts-Formulare gut liefen (aber wir hatten natürlich nur welche für ein paar wenige Behörden), würden wir das dieses Mal gern flexibler machen. Es ist allerdings noch nicht ganz klar, ob wir den dazu nötigen Laserdrucker nach Hamburg bewegt kriegen.  +
Department of Hosting Service +If you need an english text, please contact us. Thanks. Muss ich auf Deutsch schreiben, damit das eindeutig ist. Sorry. Unser Standort letztes Jahr war schon sehr gut. Wir waren im Erdgeschoss im hintersten Saal (mit der Bühne), direkt unter dem "Balkon", auf der die Colocation ist. Rechte Ecke, wenn man zur Bühne guckt. Direkt am Pfeiler. Gut geeignet, um die Glasfaserstrippen von oben runter zu bringen. Wunsch für dieses Jahr: der Platz direkt "gegenüber" des Gangs, direkt neben dem Durchgang zum nächsten Raum. Auch unter dem "Balkon". Hintergrund: unsere Server sind sehr laut und haben die benachbarten Assemblies sehr gestört. Das könnte man dort noch etwas besser "abschirmen", wenn wir die Ecke für uns bekommen. Außerdem braucht unser Spind eine Wand zum sicheren Aufstellen (keine versehentlichen Anrempler). Da gehen regelmäßig Teilnehmer ran, um ihre Festplatten zu tauschen usw. Dieses Jahr haben wir noch mehr Maschinen, da wir letztes Jahr extrem schnell "ausgebucht" waren. Eine Karte des Wunsch-Standorts: http://dhs.secret-server.org/standort_33c3.jpg blau: alter Standort, rot: gewünschter Standort. Bei Fragen gerne melden. :)  +
Diaspora +Last year, we've been planning a diaspora* only assembly, but it turned out to attract interested people regardless of the network their coming from. We've had a lot of interesting discussions, a place for media interviews, lots of club mate and cookies and we strive to continue that this year.  +