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Website https://diasporafoundation.org/
Contact Dennis Schubert, GSM 4671, mail@dennis-schubert.de
Description Common space for all federated social networks, organized by the diaspora* community. Allows discussions with the users, developers and interested people. Possible cookies, some catcontent and a lot of club mate.
Members Blume, Cheery, Corvin99, D2ns, DeadXDove, DenSchub, Deus Figendi, Dotti, Elektroll, Etwas vom Sofa, Fensterbank, Gandaro, Heluecht, Janakas, Jhass, Juwelli, KAOS, Kitsune, Krutor, Lislis, Mdik, Mep1911, Mia, Miruin, Mischk*, Niko 20010, Prellele, SWW13, Sammy, Sisko-m, Stäbchenfisch, SuperTux88, Svbergerem, Thor77, Waithamai, Zcor
Projects create project
There Is No Game Tinglogo.png
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Tags diaspora, social networking, federated, opensource
Registered on 12 November 2016 21:10:11
Location for self-organized sessions no
Other assemblies by tags...
Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Orga contact mail@dennis-schubert.de
Uses money no money handling
Plays TING yes
Plays TING skills {{{Plays ting skills}}}
Character of assembly place to show and meet
Seats needed 35
Extra seats 0
Assembly specification want quiet place, want low light
Planning notes
past congress review Last year, we've been planning a diaspora* only assembly, but it turned out to attract interested people regardless of the network their coming from. We've had a lot of interesting discussions, a place for media interviews, lots of club mate and cookies and we strive to continue that this year.
