Erik Albers, +49-30-27595290,
The Free Software Foundation Europe is dedicated to spread software freedom as one way into a Free Society. We do lobbying & public relations and we offer legal advice and interest representation of and for every Free Software project. This assembly is hosted for and by our members, friends and supporters to offer a common space to discuss, meet, hack and organise. Let's put the hacking back into politics!
3bal, Albert, BAvatar, ChrisC, Comzeradd, Eal, H-2, Hanno, Hugo, Larma, Margott, Mxmehl, Nidi, Polmal, Samtuke
create project
There Is No Game
Self-organized Sessions
"My" software, like "my" hand or like "my car"?, Are decentralized services unable to innovate?, DSM, EIF, RED: Acronyms on the EU level and why they matter for software freedom, Design in Free Software & Open Source, FSaaS: Challenges for 'Free Software as a Service' in business, Gender diversity in the Free Software community, Implications of the EU copyright reform on Free Software, Let's sing together the Free Software Song, Meine erste IFG-Anfrage, NewPipe, Privacy by default with pretty Easy privacy (p≡p), Prototype Fund - 1.2 Million Euros for Free Software Projects, Radio Lockdown Directive: coordinating future steps, The Federation, The user-friendly guide to mobile freedom, Veripeditus AR Game Framework, What makes a secure mobile messenger? -- A comparison of WhatsApp competitors, Wikidata query and visualization
Subassembly of
Noisy Square
free software, free society, europe, gnu, gpl, privacy, encryption, gnupg, free your android, open standards, politics, linux, crypto, internet
Registered on
15 November 2016 16:59:39
Location for self-organized sessions
Self-organized session notes
We are running a call for sessions
Other assemblies by tags...
Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Orga contact
We bring a lot of merchandise to refinance our costs. A lot means around 6 big packing cases and a little bit of space to handle them ("I like to have a noCloud shirt in green in size XL" and so). We will also bring banner and a lot of promotion material. (see here from last year: year we wanted to bring a small light because it was often kind of dark in our assembly.
What makes our assembly interesting? We bring together a pan-European community of people interested in the political and societal aspects of Free Software. For our community, CCC and Fosdem are nowadays the biggest come-togethers and important for strategic planning involving other communities. We are an integral part of the Noisy Square and we have good experience at the location to the door and part of the "hacker area". We already started to contact the other organisations from the Noisy Square.
We will have self-organized sessions. These will be meetings at our assembly, Free Software sing-along, GNU/Burgers and other interesting stuff - and we run a call for sessions for talks and workshops:
Uses money
yes we handle money
Plays TING
Plays TING skills
{{{Plays ting skills}}}
Character of assembly
place to show and meet
Seats needed
Extra seats
Assembly specification
loud place ok, want sit public
Planning notes
We are part of the noisy square, we run our assembly since 2013 in Hamburg and we would simply love to have the same place again, so our community and everyone from the outside interested has an easy time to find us.
past congress review
This was our place:
This was our assembly program:
We have been very happy with our space and would love to have the same again.
Tuesday, 27.12
17:30 Routerzwang und Funkabschottung - und was Aktivisten davon lernen können - Max Mehl - Saal G
18:00 Privacy by default with pretty Easy privacy (p≡p) - Nana Karlstetter -
Hall B
19:00 Free Software Song sing-along at the FSFE Assembly
19:30 (MEETING) Radio Lockdown Directive: coordinating future steps - Max Mehl - Room C3
Wednesday, 28.12.
12:30 Free Software Song sing-along at the FSFE Assembly
13:00 Wikidata query and visualization - Greta Doçi - Room C4
13:45 In Search of Evidence-Based IT-Security - Hanno Böck - Saal 2
16:00 NewPipe - Chris Schabesberger - Room C2
17:00 What makes a secure mobile messenger? - Hannes Hauswedell - Hall 13-14
18:00 The user-friendly guide to mobile freedom - Erik Albers - Hall 13-14
20:30 Business in Free Software - methods and best practice - Sam Tuke - Hall 13-14
21:30 Prototype Fund - 1.2 Million Euros for Free Software Projects - Elisa Lindinger & Eileen Wagner - Hall 13-14
Thursday, 29.12.
13:00 DSM, EIF, RED: Acronyms on the EU level and why they matter for software freedom - Polina Malaja - Room C1
14:00 Gender diversity in the Free Software community - Greta Doçi +
Jan-Christoph Borchardt - Hall 13-14
16:00 The Federation - Tobias Diekershoff - Hall 13-14
17:00 Design in Free Software & Open Source - Elio Qoshi + Jan-Christoph
Borchardt - Room C1
17:00: (WORKSHOP) Meine erste IFG-Anfrage - Arne Semsrott - Room 13-14
19:30 Free Software Song sing-along at the FSFE Assembly
20:30 Are decentralized services unable to innovate? - Hanno Böck - Hall 13-14
You can also check the sessions of out friends in Noisy Square, the We Fix The Net sessions organized by GNUNet in Hall B on December 28
Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to control technology.
Software is deeply involved in all aspects of our lives. It is important that this technology empowers rather than restricts us. Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, understand, adapt and share software. These rights help support other fundamental rights like freedom of speech, freedom of press and privacy.
Free Software Foundation Europe:
- helps individuals and organisations to understand how Free Software contributes to freedom, transparency, and self-determination.
- enhances users' rights by abolishing barriers to Free Software adoption.
- Encourages people to use and develop Free Software.
- Provides resources to enable everyone to further promote Free Software in Europe