Boat instruments hacking

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Description Session for meeting up and discussing all things around electronics in boats.
Type Meeting
Kids session No
Keyword(s) hardware, software, outside, embedded, network, hacking
Tags nmea2000, canbus, nmea0183, gps, sensors, sailing, boating, signalk
Processing assembly Hackeriet
Person organizing Lassekarstensen
Language en - English
en - English
Other sessions...


Subtitle meeting
Starts at 2016/12/28 15:00
Ends at 2016/12/28 16:00
Duration 60 minutes
Location Hall C.3

UPDATE: Here are the two presentations:

Session for meeting up and discussing all things around electronics in boats.

Format is round table discussion, with a short presentation (possibly more) to get started.

Boat electronics can be speed sensors, motor interfaces, accelerometers, GPS-receivers, wind sensors, chart plotters and more.

I'll try to do a short introduction to NMEA0183, NMEA2000 used for data exchange. (physical, network layer, data model)

If some of the people would come and meet up, that would be awesome!

From the security perspective, boat electronics is mostly in the 1990s. No authentication or authorization on messages. Many units happily accept software updates over the bus. The bus can be powered up from any drop, and the GPS receiver drop can often be accessed from outside the boat. With wifi and signalk more and more networks are being bridged onto the internet, opening for terrifying results if someone patched the GPS or autopilot to lie and steer towards land in the dark.