Description A Meet-Up on New Palmyra. We want to introduce the New Palmyra project about a digital reconstruction of the demolished Palmyra world heritage sites and discuss ways how we could contribute to the project.
Type Meeting
Kids session No
Keyword(s) art
Tags opendata, traditionalknowledge, heritage, terrorism, freebassel, 3d, reconstruction, palmyra, temple, art, cultural hacking
Processing assembly Mozilla
Person organizing Tabesin, Mb
Language en - English
en - English
Related to NewPalmyra
Other sessions...
Subtitle Let's get involved
Starts at 2015/12/29 15:15
Ends at 2015/12/29 17:15
Duration 120 minutes
Location Hall 13
Subtitle Let's get involved
Starts at
Ends at TBD
Duration TBD

At the CCC we want to convene and discuss how to contribute together to the NewPalmyra project. In general we can use help with:

  • 3D modeling
  • live events/meetups
  • information gathering (archeological plans, pictures, data to open license)
  • infrastructure (help with website, etc)
  • press opportunities
  • relationships with museums and cultural institutions for exhibition
  • relationships with potential funding sources
  • curating other related artistic projects
  • relationships with people who could potentially help with getting Bassel released from Syrian prison, political or bureaucratic

Simultaneous chat for online participants in channel #newpalmyra

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