Description loklak is a back-end search- and storage-infrastructure for microblog-messages and the Internet of Things. Make your own search portal! loklak scrapes tweets from twitter html pages (more message sources to come). We+You collect and share tweets in a peer-to-peer network. API Example? Easy, call /api/search.json?q=<search-term> for official Twitter API-like results or /api/search.rss?q=<search-term> for opensearch/rss results. You don't need a twitter account or an OAuth key.
Type Workshop
Kids session No
Keyword(s) social, political, hardware, software, embedded, network, web, hacking, coding
Tags Twitter, Weibo, IoT, Search, Server, P2p, Distributed Network
Processing assembly Mozilla
Person organizing Mb
Language de - German
de - German
Other sessions...
Subtitle loklak
Starts at 2015/12/27 18:00
Ends at 2015/12/27 20:00
Duration 120 minutes
Location Hall A.2

loklak is a back-end search- and storage-infrastructure for microblog-messages and the Internet of Things. Make your own search portal! loklak scrapes tweets from twitter html pages (more message sources to come). We+You collect and share tweets in a peer-to-peer network. API Example? Easy, call /api/search.json?q=<search-term> for official Twitter API-like results or /api/search.rss?q=<search-term> for opensearch/rss results. You don't need a twitter account or an OAuth key.

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