Lightning Talks
- Description
- Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give!
- Content
- Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a program, system or technique! Pitch your projects and ideas or try to rally a crew of people to your party or assembly! Whatever you bring, make it quick! To get an idea what Lightning Talks are about and how they work, look at last year's sessions at [1].
Lightning talk registrations are open! Click "Create lightning talk page" on the navbar to the left and follow the instructions. There is no registration deadline. We assign timeslots on a first-come, first-served basis, so if you plan on giving your talk on a specific day, submit your slides as soon as possible. Preliminary slides are okay, but remember to update them on the day before your talk. If you have any questions, please e-mail to get in touch with the Lightning Talk team.
This is a tentative schedule, don't believe what you read ;)
Day 2
The Day 2 Lightning Talks are full!
title | start | duration | description | tags | organizer | language |
Lightning Talks Introduction | Day 2, 12:45
5 | A short introduction to the Lightning Talks on Day 2.
lightning talk | Gedsic | en - English |
The Securitisation of Hacking and Hacktivism | Day 2, 12:50
5 | Hacking and hacktivism i.e., politically motivated hacking are, at present, highly discussed issues, negatively connoted and frequently portrayed as a security threat within public discourse. This ‘securitization’ of hacking and hacktivism is the focus of a PhD research project at Queen’s University Belfast. In the course of my presentation the aforementioned research will be outlined, feedback from attendees invited, and information about potential study participation offered.
hacktivism, security, research, hacking | Leotanczt | en - English |
E-dentifier2 | Day 2, 12:55
5 | My explorations of the secure-signon device used by ABN-AMRO.
I found some weird things, which I told the bank about years ago. But it still bothers me. Maybe there is more? |
security, bank, reverse engineering | Pepijndevos | en - English |
(proto-)indo-european declension tables | Day 2, 13:00
5 | short intro to historical/indo-european linguistics / the reconstruction of proto-indo-european, and my attempts at building declension tables for it via XML/XSLT
linguistics, xml, xslt | Plomlompom | en - English |
31c3 Wimmelbild | Day 2, 13:05
5 | I've drawn a super detailed illustration of the ENTIRE congress.
Foxitalic | en - English | |
Yeah, it looks nice, but how did you do this? | Day 2, 13:10
5 | Two plasma demo effects explained in five minutes, as they have been used in the award winning demo "Bang!" on the Atari 2600 VCS.
demo | SvOlli | en - English |
Yasp | Day 2, 13:15
5 | a web-based assembler development environment to help students learn the language and understand the basics of computers.
Luto | en - English | |
Aktion gegen Überwachung | Day 2, 13:20
5 | Neben technischen Lösungen zur Abwehr von Überwachung muss auch der politische Wille dazu entwickelt werden. Wir zeigen, wie Du Dich engagieren kannst, und rufen zu einer großen Aktion gegen Überwachung während des 31C3 auf.
surveillance, bgu, politics, activism | Thorsten | de - German |
WeFixTheNet | Day 2, 13:25
5 | Presentation of the WeFixTheNet workshop at 31c3
Grothoff | en - English | |
BOLTS - A free CAD standard parts library | Day 2, 13:30
5 | Designing Hardware projects is much more fun if one can use standard parts like nuts and bolts. While commercial CAD systems include standard parts libraries, free and open source ones don't. BOLTS is an effort to change that.
cad, open hardware, 3d printing | Jreinhardt | en - English |
Impact | Day 2, 13:35
5 | Presenting a project that wants to:
1) give users more options than just passively consuming information from media and 2) stop the isolation of these consumers by bringing back community aspects to the consumption of information. Intention of the presentation is to introduce the basic rationale and to possibly recruit a team of programmers.
- needs to be made possible in an elegant and appealing way by an innovative software tool that revolutionizes traditional media like newspapers and TV and tackles this multi billion Euro market in Germany and later worldwide. The positive aspects of Wikipedia and Facebook need to be combined and supplemented by some other powerful features to improve the quality of information we get and the way we can process and use it. |
Harry | en - English | |
Remote controlled architecture: Reality Builder | Day 2, 13:40
3 | Reality Builder lets people remotely position life size building blocks. What would they build?
Lets try a test run with 564 2x4 Lego bricks at the conference! Afterwards: Canary Islands Challenges: live streaming, interface, reaching the audience We need your help! |
architecture, streaming, game, travel, experiment, 3d printing | Feklee | en - English |
Lightning Talks Break | Day 2, 13:45
15 | A 15-minute break
Ratools - IPv6 Router Advertisement Tools | Day 2, 14:00
5 | Introduction to ratools, a fast, dynamic, multi-threading framework for creating, modifying and sending IPv6 Router Advertisements (RA).
ipv6, network, ratools | Danrl | en - English |
New features for bitcoin mining pools | Day 2, 14:05
5 | This talk will briefly introduce a new "virgin coins" service for Slush's mining pool. Inspiration behind this and a big picture overview of the technical work involved.
bitcoin, async, pooled mining | Frap | en - English |
The Fuzzing Project | Day 2, 14:10
5 | Fuzzing is an easy and powerful strategy to find bugs and security issues in software. Experience has shown that many very basic free software tools have vulnerabilities that can easily be found with fuzzing.
The Fuzzing Project tries to change that and provide some coordination and help for fuzzing efforts. We can have a quick workshop / american fuzzy lop introduction afterwards (15:00) beside the Gentoo table. |
fuzzing, vulnerability, freesoftware | Hanno | en - English |
Food Hacking Base 2014&2015 | Day 2, 14:15
5 | Basic overview of activities and achievements of Food Hacking Base in 2014 and presentation of our plans for 2015 including CCC camp.
food hacking base, food hacking, community, hacker community, food lab | Algoldor | en - English | | Day 2, 14:20
5 |
Helfen, teilen, vernetzen Eine Plattform, um die Organisation von freiwilligen Helfern zu vereinfachen und Helfer untereinander zu verbinden. |
freiwillige, freiwilligenarbeit, plattform, platform, volunteers, volunteering | B4ey | de - German |
Two-Factor LUKS Decryption using YubiKey | Day 2, 14:25
5 | How to use a YubiKey for two-factor decryption of LUKS-encrypted block device.
luks, decryption, two-factor, yubikey | SreeTotakura | en - English |
Sensing Proximity | Day 2, 14:30
5 | Presenting our app nervousnet, that will provide an experimental indoor navigation at CCH and also build a social graph of people using the app and detected transmitter beacons. We will also give away some free beacons, so that people can participate without the app.
The current state of indoor navigation is still an issue. The emergence of iBeacons and other LEBs could lead to an affordable solution to the problem.
ibeacon, ble, social graph, app, indoor navigation | Sam | en - English | | Day 2, 14:35
5 | Many low cost sensor systems exist for use on land. Taking these tools underwater provides additional challenges. Specifically, PCBs need to be dry, while sensors need to be in contact with the water. In this talk I will present the techniques I used to encapsulate a MCHCK for long term deployment at depths of 25 meters.
water, case design, scuba | | en - English |
About: PrismLabs und No-Spy-Konferenz | Day 2, 14:40
5 | Wie eine Gruppe ganz normaler Leute gegen den NSA-Skandal ankämpft:
Wir hacken Politik und Gesellschaft. Gespräch für Gespräch und Aufkleber für Aufkleber.
politik, gesellschaft, politics, society, hacking, sticker | Musevg | de - German |
P2Pvalue | Day 2, 14:45
5 | An invitation to our FLOSS4P2P Workshop taking place in London, March 2015.
Common based peer production (CBPP) is an emerging and innovative model of collaborative production frequently taking place or supported through a digi tal platform. Some well-known CBPP communites are Linux, Wikipedia, Open Street Map and SETI. The P2Pvalue project will foster the CBPP phenomenon by providing a free/open source distributed software platform specifically designed to facilita- te the creation of resilient and sustainable communities and supporting the contributors with systems of reward that allow value to flow back to the crea- tors. |
p2p, commons, cbpp, commons based peer production, floss | Cataspanglish | en - English |
Join the news nerds | Day 2, 14:50
5 | What are news nerds? They're people who do development and design in news organizations to help us better understand our world. Find out why and how to join them.
journalism, security, data, data visualization | Erikao | en - English |
Day 3
The Day 3 Lightning Talks are full!
title | start | duration | description | tags | organizer | language |
Lightning Talks Introduction Day 3 | Day 3, 12:45
5 | A short introduction to the Lightning Talks on Day 3.
lightning talk | Theresa | en - English |
Announcing RIPE Atlas dataviz hackathon | Day 3, 12:50
5 | Inviting you lot to take part in the dataviz hackaton: March 2015, Amsterdam.
Visualizing the health of the Internet using open RIPE Atlas data.
dataviz, hackathon, visualisation, design, programming | Becha | en - English |
Amenthes / EYES ONLY document viewing | Day 3, 12:55
5 | Amenthes is a proof-of-concept live USB Linux system that enables EYES ONLY viewing of documents, prepared and encrypted beforehand. Amenthes can be a useful tool for a whistleblower interested in disclosing a batch of documents, via sneakernet, to a trusted party. In the talk, we will present the first running version of Amenthes and ways forward for the project.
whistleblowing, opsec, linux, security | Yuvadm | en - English |
KadNode | Day 3, 13:00
5 | KadNode is a simple dezentralized DNS service. The program intercepts DNS requests on your computer and resolves them using the DHT of the BitTorrent network. It can serve e.g. as a personal DynDNS service.
dns, bittorrent | Mwarning | en - English |
Roguelikes, and building one | Day 3, 13:05
5 | short intro to roguelike games, and my experience building one (PlomRogue) in C/ncurses
games, roguelikes, programming, ascii | Plomlompom | en - English |
OpenDTeX - Secure Boot | Day 3, 13:10
5 | This research project aims at providing an open source Secure Boot implementation for Linux with the primary objective to ensure user trust against his own computer (i.e. protection against the Evil Maid attack).
secureboot, drtm, txt, x86 | Sygus | en - English |
Active Grammatical Inference for Protocol RE | Day 3, 13:15
5 | The field of grammatical inference has been around for decades. These researches have resulted in numerous algorithms and dedicated data structures. Unfortunately, this work is often underused by security experts.
This presentation aims to illustrate the applicability of such algorithm, called L*, for the automated reverse engineering of communication protocols. I will briefly describe this algorithm and propose some feedbacks on how it can be used to actively infer the state machine of an unknown communication protocol.
reverse engineering, grammatical inference, lstar, smart fuzzing | Lapeluche | en - English |
Android-Hooker | Day 3, 13:20
5 | Hooker is an opensource solution to analyze Android markets.
android, dynamic analysis, elasticsearch, python | Tibapbedoum | en - English |
Bierautomat | Day 3, 13:25
5 | old vending machines are cheap, easy to get and easy to modify. i tell you what we did in our student's dorm to connect some vending machines to the network, 't was great fun
arduino, bier, ethernet, php, mysql, apple, beer, sms, whatsapp, mate, energy drink, coke, hardware, strom | Thoax | en - English |
Tamper-proof websites - decentralising website security | Day 3, 13:30
5 | If a web-app makes promises about behaviour, security or privacy (e.g. "we never see unencrypted content"), then users should want to know when the behaviour of the web-app changes.
Can we do this? Can we make a web-app that only needs to be code-reviewed once, not every time? Can we allow users to share known-good versions? It turns out we can, using existing web technologies - no plugins or extensions required.
javascript | Signalsmith | en - English |
BalCCon2k15 | Day 3, 13:35
5 | BalCCon 2k15 - Balkan Computer Congress is an international hacker congress organized by LUGoNS – Linux Users Group of Novi Sad and Wau Holland Foundation. The first part of the program has been envisaged to be a set of presentations, workshops and lectures on the current topics regarding privacy, technology, software development, free software &socio-political issues. Our goal is to gather all the communities from the region, continent and the World in an effort to hack, play, learn, pass knowledge and exchange experience. BalCCon aims to become the central hacker community in South East Balkan, as well as to provide the opportunity for all the people in this part of Europe to connect and to cooperate.
balkan, congress, hacker | Jelena BalCCon | en - English |
Introduction to OpenSCAD | Day 3, 13:40
5 | First steps with OpenSCAD. Create your own parts with variables and functions.
3d printing, lightning talk, openscad | Obelix | en - English |
Lightning Talks Break Day 3 | Day 3, 13:45
15 | A 15 minutes break
OONI: Open Observatory of Network Interference | Day 3, 14:00
5 | Open methodologies and open data in the fight against network interference
internet, censorship | Hellais, Irl, Anadahz, Aagbsn | en - English |
Censorship and Internet Engineering | Day 3, 14:05
5 | Some of the problems caused by a lack of transparency in censorship and some possible solutions.
censorship, internet | Irl | en - English |
Cyberpeace | Day 3, 14:10
5 | We will give a short presentation of our newly started campaign Cyberpeace. It will contain an overview on the problems we face, the aims of our campaign and a brief overview of our 14 basic principles we suggest.
cyberpeace, cyberwarfare, surveillance | Stefan Hügel | de - German |
Bootkit via SMS | Day 3, 14:15
10 | Short talk and demo how to update remotely USB modem firmware, to change password on a selfcare portal and use a simple SMS as an exploit that is able not only to compromise a USB modem and all the communications that go through it, but also to install bootkit on a box, that this modem is connected to.
Gordey | en - English | |
VoidLinux | Day 3, 14:25
5 | Void is a general purpose linux distribution, meant to be used by advanced users. Its package system allows you to quickly install, update and remove software; software is provided in binary packages or can be built directly from sources with the help of the XBPS source packages collection.
The spirit of Void is such that we keep things default, necessary, and minimal as possible (while trying not to leave features out). Currently there are over 4000 optimized packages for the x86, x86_64, ARMv6 hard float (Raspberry Pi), and ARMv7 architectures; also there's support to build (natively or cross compiling) from sources any package easily that is available in the XBPS source packages collection. |
linux, distribution | Gottox | de - German |
About current state of WPA Enterprise authentication security - networks and mobile devices | Day 3, 14:30
5 | WPA Enterprise networks like the widely deployed eduroam suffer from incomplete end device configuration and network setup issues, leading to compromised authentication up to clear text password leakage to MITM attackers. This talk give a short overview of how it should work, how it is mostly used and where the problems are.
wifi, security, 802.1x, man in the middle | Matthias | en - English |
Breaking the Cube | Day 3, 14:35
5 | Breaking the Cube teaser.
Nowadays Virtualization is used as an isolation mechanism, several corporations nowadays which offer hosting and sandboxing solutions rely on the fact that the underlying hypervisor either utilizes the CPU technologies or proper emulation in order to create an isolated and properly emulated environment. This imposes a false curtain by making the corporations think that hypervisors by default have no costs regarding security. In some cases using a hypervisor would actually provide a greater attack surface that could leverage full to host compromise. This is a 5m teaser talk for my actual talk on breaking out of the cube. |
hypervisor, xen, vulndev, fun, teaser, break, all, the, things | Shift | en - English |
THE Port - Hackathons at CERN | Day 3, 14:40
5 | THE Port combines creative minds from CERN and non-profit organisations in interdisciplinary teams to work on humanitarian technology related benefits to society. An introduction to the work of THE Port and the outcome of the first hackathon earlier this year will be presented.
hackathon | Bane | en - English | | Day 3, 14:45
5 | about our project
- present the idea (crowd-sourced picture-database for social movements) - in search for participation & new team members - advertising our workshop during congress |
photography, social-movement, journalism, journalismus, fotografie, creative-commons | Nikoba | en - English |
Blindstore – A Privacy-Preserving Data Store | Day 3, 14:50
5 | Blindstore is a cryptography library that provides functions for building a data store that does not know for what the client asked, but still returns the right answer. This kind of problem is called “Private Information Retrieval”. Blindstore is an implementation of a homomorphic encryption scheme.
privacy, cryptography, library | Blipp | en - English |
Day 4
title | start | duration | description | tags | organizer | language |
Lightning Talks Introduction Day 4 | Day 4, 12:45
5 | A short introduction into the 31C3 lightning talk sessions on Day 4
lightning talk | Breakthesystem | en - English |
Extreme Centralization and Extreme Decentralization | Day 4, 12:50
5 | A short story on how Internet of Things because of the cheapest ecology of open hardware, software, storage and analytics ever, monitoring revealing transparency in all current dependencies whether of states or corporations and liquid democracy potential could turn an alternative into a global third party trust provider.
iot | Kranenbu | en - English |
Yunity - A tool to support sharing culture | Day 4, 12:55
5 | Sharing cultures are more and more evolving. We are proposing an idea for a tool to help organize projects with sharing culture in mind.
sharing culture, social network | Matthias | en - English |
Time Well Spent OSes and Time Well Spent Economies | Day 4, 13:00
5 | From fast food displays and malls, to our living room TV remotes, and now finally into our pockets, onto our wrists, and over our eyes--consumerist interfaces have made it hard for us to make good choices in ordinary conditions.
A new movement in design can reverse that trend. **We can move the whole foundation of tech from designs and metrics for living *easily,* to designs and metrics for living *well*.*
choicemaking, interface design, os, economics, time well spent | JoeEdelman | en - English |
LettuceOnMars | Day 4, 13:05
5 | LettuceOnMars is a student team from the Southampton Spaceflight Society (SUSF), planning to grow lettuce on Mars. The students team from Southampton passed a technical review round and might get a spot on the 2018 lander. There are also nine other interesting university projects, all competing to send a payload to Mars. The final decision is up to the public.
space, mars | Lilafisch | en - English |
Qutebrowser | Day 4, 13:10
5 | Presentation of qutebrowser - a keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on PyQt5 and QtWebKit.
software, python, qt | The Compiler | en - English |
Openage | Day 4, 13:15
5 | To encourage more developers to add some jokes and easter eggs to our codebase, we'd like to give an overview about the openage project status, experiences and future goals.
sfttech, game, free software | Jj | en - English |
Nitrokey | Day 4, 13:20
5 | Nitrokey (former Crypto Stick) is an USB key with integrated smart card
to enable highly secure encryption of e-mails and data, for authentication in networks and for access control. Other than ordinary software solutions, the secret keys are always stored securely inside the Nitrokey device. Their extraction is impossible and thus Nitrokey is immune to computer viruses and Trojan horses. The user-chosen PIN and the tamper-proof design protect in case of loss and theft. The hardware and software are both available as Open Source to allow verifying the security and integrating with own applications. Among the use cases are e-mail disk and file encryption, secure login to websites, mobile encrypted storage with hidden volumes. |
security, smart card, 2-factor authentication, openpgp | Ggkitsas | en - English |
NeuralHacks | Day 4, 13:25
5 | Hackers are in a unique position to access Neuroscience and actually advance the field. Brain scientists and neurohackers have the opportunity to create a mutually-beneficial community. Through brain computer interfacing, you don't need to be an expert to learn about your brain, enhance neural performance, or control technology with your thoughts.
neuro, neuroscience, brain, computer, interface, gaming, awesome, c-base, hacking | Phawx | en - English |
Waysome | Day 4, 13:30
5 | Presenting the Waysome windowmanager which uses the Wayland protocol.
wayland, windowmanager | Neikos | en - English |
BitWrk - a Bitcoin-friendly, Anonymous Marketplace for Compute Power | Day 4, 13:35
5 | BitWrk is an attempt at creating a peer-to-peer service for compute-intensive applications. Users may buy compute power from their peers, and also put their own hardware to work. Payment is performed using Bitcoin, the decentralized Internet currency.
BitWrk's primary application is Blender, the free 3D graphics software. Using BitWrk, Blender users are able to accelerate their creative process.
bitwrk, cloud computing, distributed computing, bitcoin, blender, 3d, kraut computing | Drhamster | en - English |
Irssi | Day 4, 13:40
5 | What is up with the Irssi chat client? Do you use it? Did you use it?
irc | en - English | |
Lightning Talks Break | Day 4, 13:45
15 | A 15-minute break
Philosophieren über's Optimieren | Day 4, 14:00
3 | A short poem about information security and stuff.
art poem | 7a69 | de - German |
Fritz!Box root RCE: From Patch to Metasploit module | Day 4, 14:03
5 | Dieser Talk beschreibt eine Analyse der Anfang des Jahres bekannt gewordenen Sicherheitslücke in der Firmware der meisten Fritz!Box-Geräte.
fritz!box, metasploit, exploit | 7a69 | de - German | | Day 4, 14:10
5 | Course-organization-platform for everyone and their grandparents.
A tool to build up and organize local communities – Open education for real. |
education, learning, workshops, hackerspaces, community | Stephaan, 1u | en - English |
Introducing MeshLink | Day 4, 14:15
5 | MeshLink is a library providing secure mesh communication for your application.
mesh, security, communication | Guus | en - English |
A PhD. in Hacking. | Day 4, 14:20
5 | A Bachelor, Master or PhD. in Hacking? Well, yes. The how and where, but just as importantly the "why?" will be presented in this lightning talk. This is a real accredited academic title which will be announced at the CCC.
phd., hacking, academia | Adrianus Warmenhoven | en - English |