Projects:Malware Sample Exchange

From 36C3 Wiki
Description An airgapped box to share samples with other attending researchers. Also looking forward to interesting discussions.
Has website
Organized by F0wL
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Tags malware, ransomware, research
Located at assembly Assembly:MysteryHack
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Since there are no projects / sessions related to Malware or Threat Research at the time of writing this I want to create a place for everyone interested to share samples and discuss related topics. For hobbyist analysts it's often quite hard to get their hands on new/exotic samples, so this is a solution that doesn't require Pro Accounts or extensive vetting :D I will host an airgapped box running Viper at the MysteryHack Assembly, so If you want to exchange binaries just bring a computer (and maybe an ethernet cable) or just stop by for a chat. If your daily business doesn't involve malicious software but you would like to know how to defend yourself against current threats I'd be happy to give you some advice as well. I'd like to emphasize that this project is only meant as an educational project with no malicious intent. That means that everyone should be responsible enough to adhere to the Hacker Ethic and the DO NOTs described here: Static:Information_Security#DO_NOT. Also please be careful with your own equipment.

Archived page - Impressum/Datenschutz