LoRaWAN–Freifunk der Dinge

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Description An introduction to a crowd-sourced long-range radio network for autonomous devices.
Website(s) https://www.thethingsnetwork.org, https://www.warpzone.ms/perma/hacknbreakfast-lorawan-freifunk-der-dinge/1995/
Type Talk
Kids session No
Keyword(s) hardware, network
Tags lorawan, iot, lpwan
Processing assembly Freifunk
Person organizing Kgbvax
Language de - German
de - German
Related to LoRaWAN hacking and more
Other sessions...


Starts at 2016/12/28 18:30
Ends at 2016/12/28 19:30
Duration 60 minutes
Location Freifunk

Slides are here: https://github.com/FreiFunkMuenster/media-ffms/tree/master/Vortraege/lorawan-33c3

An introduction to a crowd-sourced long-range radio network for autonomous devices.

In the context of IoT, so called LPWAN radio network technology is emerging that provides low-bandwith and low-power connectivity for connected (usually battery powered) devices.</p>

This talk is about a specific LPWAN technology - LoRaWAN - which due to its use of unlicensed radio bands and affordable hardware is well suited for building a crowd-sourced network. Such a network exists today in the form of "The Things Network". Coming from a Freifunk perspective, I find this rather interesting as it is an opportunity for us to - among other things - democratise/understand data acquisition (and control) in public spaces.

The talk introduces LPWAN technologies and common constraints such networks are facing. It provides an overview of LoRa radio and LoRaWAN network technology as well as the crowd-source open-source network "The Things Network". On the practical side I'll talk about ways to create the necessary infrastructure and "nodes" and provide some #fails we've encountered when starting this in Münster/Germany and trying to measure (simple) environment data

We will have a network operating at 33C3 to play with during the congress (and the talk) - depending on congress radio weather of course.

This talk will be held in German unless someone shows up and convinces me otherwise. :-)