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Description Freifunk steht für freie Kommunikation in digitalen Datennetzen

Wir verstehen frei als öffentlich zugänglich, nicht kommerziell, im Besitz der Gemeinschaft und unzensiert.

Members 0x4A6F, Adlerweb, Adorfer, Ahrdie, Alexander, Andibraeu, Andre, Andrenarchy, Ansgar, Aufhaxer, Baldo, Barbarossa, Bdobe, Bobo PK, Bodems, Chrische, Corny, Dan nrw, Dangole, Dennis, Dennis k, Dezi, Docloy, Dreadman, Elektra, Entil'Zha, Eriu, Eyk, Flip, Fluxx, Fredi, Fuzzle, Genofire, Genofire2, Gesche, Herrbett, Hexa, Jom, K3v1n, Kantorkel, Kgbvax, Kunsi, Larma, Lars, Leonard, Leos, MM, Mammut, Mathias, Monic … further results
Projects Die "LAZ0R" Banden CATS, Freifunk, Refugees Emancipation Donation Box, Respond-collector
There Is No Game Tinglogo.png
Self-organized Sessions Antennas an Wave Propagation, Coffee Break, DNS und ICVPN - .freifunk, DNS und ICVPN - .freifunk und .ff, DNS und ICVPN: .freifunk und .ff, Freifunk Hamburg Jahresrückblick, Freifunk Webteam Meetup, Freifunk hilft, Freifunk und die VDS, Freifunk@GSoC2016, Gemeinnuetzigkeit, Gemeinnützigkeit, Gemeinnützigkeit im Freifunk Umfeld, Gettogether Radio Lockdown, Line-of-sight visualizer, LoRaWAN–Freifunk der Dinge, News vom Förderverein freie Netzwerke e.V., Ninux - an italian wireless community, SOSDF(H)B: Salt-Orchestrated Software Defined Freifunk (Hochstift) Backbone: DataCenter und Carrier Techniken für Freifunk abgucken, Solar powered freifunk mast, State of the InterNAT - Freifunk Rheinland AS201701 Update, Territorios Digitais Livres - Free Digital Territories - Community Networks in Brazil, Update on declaratory action (Feststellungsklagen), Welcome & Icebreaker, Wizard of Berlin's Freifunk Firmware, Öffentliche Förderung für Freifunk
Tags free networks, non commercial, open access, freedom of communication, wireless community, education, right to access
Registered on 12 November 2016 17:29:34
Location for self-organized sessions yes
Self-organized session notes We will start to build the program and contents in the next days ...
Other assemblies by tags...
Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Orga contact
Brings We will run an infodesk with material, stickers, ect and host some campaigns (, freifunk policy topics, ect), therefore it would be great to have a space where people walk by. We would like to ask for mobile Hardware and Donations to the campaigns.

As well we would like to provide a meeting place with couches/beanbags/pillows on carpet. We will provide a workshop program as well. If there is space for a bigger screen/canvas and for people to sit, plus it is not too loud we will be located, we could do that directly at the assembly and combine that with the mentioned lounge area ...

The space between tunnel and halle h would be georgeous?

Projects We will start to build the program and contents in the next days ...

We do feature the latest project from Elektra :)

Uses money yes we handle money
Plays TING yes
Plays TING skills {{{Plays ting skills}}}
Character of assembly place to show and meet
Seats needed 30
Extra seats 0
Assembly specification want quiet place, loud place ok, want sit public, want low light, special requirements network, special requirements other stated below
Planning notes I would love to get in contact with the decoration team soon to brainstorm/plan together, how we could style the assembly fitting to the overall deco-idea and develop together some freifunk elements within. As soon as we know what the idea is, we will have volunteers that will help to build it. Also we don't want to make mistakes in what is possible and what isn't like last year ;)
past congress review


We will start to build the program and contents in the next days ...

There is no game and there is no Beratungsstelle for Formularangelegenheiten at the Freifunk-Infotresen. Also don't call 7800 for Amtsfragen.