Vintage Telco

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Has improper value forThis property is a special property in this wiki. Uses money, Plays ting, Has assembly type

Contact email:

phone before the congress: +49-4644-973171 phone at the congress: 9201 (+49-40-231889-9201)

Description We run 5 classic analogue mobile networks and have many classic mobile phones: A-Netz, B-Netz, C-Netz, NMT, AMPS. Yes, we have (software defined) base stations for all these networks.

As every year, we provide outside telephone connectivity for the congress. Also we provide helpdesk for telephone questions.

Members Crx, Jolly, Tolot
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Registered on 13 November 2016 17:50:06
Location for self-organized sessions no
Other assemblies by tags...
Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Orga contact
Uses money "please select one" is not in the list of possible values (yes we handle money, no money handling) for this property.
Plays TING "Are you willing to collaborate?" is not in the list of possible values (yes, no) for this property.
Plays TING skills {{{Plays ting skills}}}
Character of assembly "{{{Has assembly type}}}" is not in the list of possible values (just a gathering space, place to show and meet) for this property.
Seats needed 6
Extra seats 0
Assembly specification want sit public
Planning notes
past congress review


Location and Seats

We like to be located close to the PoC, in order to simplify communication with the PoC and to manage GSM helpdesk togeter. Further, we will bring many classic analogue mobile phones (small ones and really big ones), as well as radio equipment and also one teletypewriter to receive SMS. We would like to have two of the big round tables.

At 31c3 and 32c3 we had a perfect location. As always, it was organized to our full satisfaction.

Special things this year


Osmocom-Analog, a project that documents the functionality and knowledge of former analogue mobile networks. The included software allows the emulation of these mobile networks to communicate with Historical mobile phones again.

This year we will have 5 classic analogue mobile networks. Yes, base stations! The emulation software was developed in 2016 and is used to connect classic mobile phones to the phone network of the congress. If you have one of these phones, bring it:

  • A-Netz (first German mobile network)
  • B-Netz (second German mobile network)
  • C-Netz (thrird German mobile network, cellular)
  • NMT (Scandinavian cellular mobile network)
  • AMPS (American analogue cell phone network)

Teletypewriter Osmocom-BB (BTS)

We will set up a teletypewriter again to send and received SMS.

We use a special interface to connect a teletypewriter to a PC via USB. The SMS is transfered via open source software OsmocomBB, an open source baseband GSM stack. This software is available at Osmocom-Analog website.