Uses money

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Has type String.

The allowed values for this property are:

  • yes we handle money
  • no money handling

Pages using the property "Uses money"

Showing 25 pages using this property.


/dev/zero +no money handling  +


1 – Was ist das für 1 Assembly?! +no money handling  +


3D Hackspace +yes we handle money  +


AG DSN +no money handling  +
ALLES CTF Team +no money handling  +
Aaaaaaaaaaaa +no money handling  +
Acab +no money handling  +
Amnesty International Germany +no money handling  +
Anagrom Ataf +no money handling  +
Anarchist Black Cross +no money handling  +
Anarchist Village +no money handling  +
Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung / Datenschutzraum e.V. +no money handling  +
Assembly der Informatikfachschaften (AIF) +no money handling  +
Attraktor +yes we handle money  +
Awp +no money handling  +


BSD +no money handling  +
Backspace +no money handling  +
Bare Metal Arduino +no money handling  +
Basic Income +no money handling  +
Bastelbude +no money handling  +
Binary Kitchen +no money handling  +
Bitcoin +no money handling  +
BlinkenArea +yes we handle money  +
Bogonauten +no money handling  +
Bratzenamt +yes we handle money  +