We work to make it work for you!


If you say that you want to make the 33c3 also work for visitors with disabilities then this might be your chance.

As a part of the subtitles team, you would help to transcribe talks live. If you like to type fast you are welcome to join us, if you don’t know how fast you can type, check your skills here 10fastfingers.com.

Please register as an subtitle angel in the engelsystem first and join as a subtitle angel. All introduction meetings will be announced in the 33c3 wiki. We are looking forward to having you as angel!

Our goal this year is to cover hall 1 and 2 with a 100% live subtitles. …

Speakers: please support the translations, send us your slides!


If you’ll be giving a talk at 33C3 in Hamburg, you should know that your talk will be simultaneously translated from English to German (or vice versa) by our team of volunteers. The only exception is talks where we feel that a translation is likely not to do it justice, like plays or performances.

For the quality of the translations it helps a lot if we can prepare a glossary for each talk. It would be awesome if you could send us any material that may help us do that, such as presentation slides or a manuscript. We’ll will not share these outside our team of volunteers.

If you have any …

GSM and Phone Infrastructure


Good news: There will be GSM at 33c3! Bad news: There are no SIM Cards available! At the past events we spread thousands. Please bring your SIM Card(s) and share your SIM Cards.

To (hopefully) prevent so much questions during the very short setup time, here is our plan ™:

  • 23.11. – Extension registration in GURU for 33c3 is open.
  • 23.12. – Starting GSM setup.
  • 24.12. – Setup the Eventphone PBX, hang up DECT antennas.
  • 25.12. – 11:00 a.m. Start issuing preregistered orga DECT phones, rollout wired devices, registration of new orga DECT phones if (inter)network is working.
  • 26.12. – 11:00 a.m. Start …

Traductions au 33C3


Écoutez les traductions simultanées de certaines présentations en salles 1 et 2 avec un téléphone DECT. Lisez plus de détails en bas ou de courtes informations dans le Wiki.

Ça arrive à chaque fois : Il y a cette présentation alléchante par un groupe de hackers qui ont construit une voiture autonome en bois avec un firmware tournant sur un Raspberry Pi. Tu t’apprêtes à aller en salle G, ne regardant le plan que pour vérifier que c’est vraiment là-bas – Mince, c’est en allemand, dont tu ne comprends pas un mot. « Si seulement j’avais un poisson Babel » murmures-tu en tournant tes pas vers le …

Awareness Team at 33C3


tl;dr: The Awareness team (DECT 113) will provide a point of contact for people to process experiences, resolve conflicts and to create a safe and enjoyable atmosphere especially for minorities.

There will be thousands of people at 33C3, all of whom have different needs and all of whom are different and unique in the way they feel, think and act.
Respectful behaviour amongst each other, including respect of personal boundaries, ought to be the standard, but even at the Congress there may be situations where people are discriminated against in word or deed. Sexism, racism, homo- and …

Welcome to HHackertours – your provider of sightseeing tours for technical enthusiasts!


Visiting the 33C3 and wondering what the city has to offer? Try one of our tours! Our goal is to show Hamburg to the visitors of the 33C3 like no other tour guide would. We have selected tours showing the behind the scenes of our most fascinating technology related sites.

Save a seat for a tour on our webpage and follow us on Twitter to get updates about new tours, changes and important updates. We also have a page in the congress wiki to help you find our assembly.

Here’s a list of our tours (English and German):

**Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)

Einladung zum Junghackertag auf dem 33C3


Update (19.12.): Das Kontingent ist ausgeschöpft. Weitere Anmeldungen sind leider nicht mehr möglich. Ohne Anmeldung gibt es keinen Einlass.

Mittwoch, 28.12.2016, 10 Uhr bis ca. 17 Uhr, Congress Center Hamburg Dammtor
(freier Congress-Eintritt für Jugendliche bis einschließlich 14 Jahren mit einer erwachsenen Begleitung).


Don’t forget your (DECT) phone


“Works for us” is not enough.
“Works for you” is our aspiration.



We will provide to you the best phone infrastructure of all chaos events, combined with the shortest setup time ever. So do not forget to …

33C3 CTF

33C3 CTF


This year we celebrate the 5th anniversary of the C3 CTF. Grab some of your hacker friends and sign up. In case you’ve been living under a rock, Capture the Flag (CTF) is a team-based competition testing hacker skills like pwning, reversing and breaking cryptography. 33C3 CTF will start on Day 1, Dec. 27th, 2016 at 9pm local time (UTC+1) and last for 48 hours. While this falls within congress time, the competition is hosted on the internet, is free to play for everyone and requires no setup.

If you’re on-site be sure to pay us a visit. Anyone else can contact us on irc: /join #33c3ctf on …

Bescheinigung sicherer Umgang mit Lebensmitteln // German certificate for food handling


damals: “Gesundheitszeugnis”

Für Gemeinschaftsküchen und Essensverkauf gelten in Deutschland Regeln. Zum Beispiel müssen die Gerätschaften für Lebensmittel zugelassen sein und auch die Menschen, die damit umgehen, brauchen eine Schulung. Bestenfalls habt ihr nicht nur den Schein, sondern auch etwas Wissen mitgenommen ;-)

Wofür brauchst man den Schein und bringt der mir sonst auch was?

Wenn ihr im Erfa oder im Job jetzt oder später mit Lebensmitteln zu tun habt, sollte man den haben. Nicht für die eigene Pizza im Ofen, sondern wenn ihr Essen führ mehrere Menschen zubereitet und/oder verkauft. …

33C3 – Call for Angels!


Join the Angels for the best Congress experience

Our Camp and our Chaos Communication Congress would not be possible without the great work of our volunteers, called Angels. Your engagement as an Angel is the perfect opportunity to become a part of Congress and make it even more amazing for everyone involved. Apart from that, volunteering is a great chance to meet new people.

What makes being an Angel so special, you may wonder? Let us answer this with another question: Are you able to run an event with thousands of visitors, creative minds, eager to discuss, explore and most of all: create? …