Chaosparty Ulm


Vom 08.-10.6.2018 findet in der Mensa der Uni Ulm die erste Chaosparty Ulm statt. Sie ist ein kleineres Chaosevent, bei dem viele Technikinteressierte aus ganz Deutschland (und weiter)  zusammenkommen um sich gemeinsam ein Wochenende lang in Projekte zu vertiefen und sich über alle möglichen Themen auszutauschen.

Es wird Vorträge und Workshops vor allem zu hardwaretechnischen Themen geben und auch für Verpflegung ist durchgehend gesorgt. Du findest auf unserer Website noch mehr Infos zu dem Event. Sollten Fragen aufkommen, kannst Du uns per Mail unter …

CfP für die PrivacyWeek „Generationen“ eröffnet


Save the date!
22. bis 28. Oktober 2018
Volkskundemuseum Wien in der Laudongasse 15-19, 1080 Wien, #pw18 #privacyweek

wien 2017 Die PrivacyWeek des Chaos Computer Clubs Wien (C3W) geht in die dritte Iteration. Der C3W freut sich über Einreichungen unter

Vom 22. bis 28. Oktober 2018 dreht sich die ganze Woche um Privatsphäre im digitalen Zeitalter – dieses Jahr bei der @privacyweek …

GPN18: Call for Participation

GPN18: Call for Participation


hello world

tl;dr: Let’s do the GPN warp again! Sign up, submit your ideas and bring your friends.

Long awaited and often requested—the time has come. We invite all of you to this year’s GulaschProgrammierNacht.

Save the date:
GPN18, 10.-13. May 2018 in the HfG/ZKM, Lorenzstr. 15, 76135 Karlsruhe, Germany, Europe, Earth

#More of the same
The Gulaschprogrammiernacht has it all: Talks, workshops, demoshow, flashing lights, lots of music (always both too loud and too quiet), two (!!!) hackcenters, enough Mate for all …

#tuwat, make congress accessible for all creatures


Are you suffering from post-congress withdrawal? Do you want to watch congress talks but keep scrolling, thinking “meh”?
#tuwat, watch talks and be a productive part of congress at the same time!
Our subtitling efforts continue between congresses, join us on and in our IRC channel #subtitles on!

What’s there to do?

Creating subtitles comprises two phases: writing the transcript and mapping it to the video.
For the first phase you will need to correct an autogenerated transcript. If you would rather like to write a transcript from scratch, you are of …

Kommt vorbei – der 34C3 baut ab


34C3 is not over yet! We are tearing down, as every year, and would like to invite you to help the event. If you are still up for some community work then drop by.

Teardown will happen until January 5th. and we can use help daily from about 11:00.

On January 4th starting at 09:00 we could use some extra help – specifically people who are physically fit – to load large amounts of flightcases and other equipment.

You can find up-to-date information about this on Twitter under @c3logistics or by phone on 0341-39294864

Rück-Bauwat! (Teardown)


Dear life forms participating in Congress,

tomorrow, 34c3 will sadly come to an end and teardown awaits. For that, we need your help.

We ask all assemblies to dismantle their installation after the Closing Event at 18:15 on December 30th. After packing your stuff, please stack your tables and chairs correctly sorted and clean of stickers. Please do not remove said chairs and tables from your assembly place, but stack them at the very location.

But tearing down the assemblies is not everything, we are happy for every helping hand. We are creating teardown shifts in the Engelsystem and ask you …

Assemblies am 27.12.


Dear Assemblies,

please be aware that you need your congress wristband to enter the premises from today on. Furthermore we need you to send us your car’s number plate if you need back access to unload them, please send them as an email to Otherwise you won’t be able to enter the lot with a car. Please do keep in mind that you must spend at most 45 minutes in the lot. Afterwards parking will cost 64€.

Translations at 34C3


TL;DR: Just like in previous years, a team of translation angels will be on hand to whisper simultaneous interpretations of all talks at 34C3 in your ear, starting right on day one. All German talks will be translated to English, and all English talks to German. There is a second translation stream in all four locations that we will use for various target languages – catch the heralds’ announcements for details. To listen to the translations, you will need a device with either a web browser, a generic audio stream player (such as VLC), or a Mumble client (“work in progress”). We cannot provide …

33C3: works for all


Der Dokumentarfilmer Mark Zorko hat beim 33C3 eine kleine Kurz-Doku aufgenommen. Sie trägt den Titel “works for all” und wird nun pünktlich zu Tag 0 des 34C3 veröffentlicht, um unser aller Vorfreude ins unermessliche zu steigern.
Viel Spaß :-)

Hier gibt es den 1GB-Download von und hier auch eine Youtube-Version in geminderter Qualität.

Assembly deliveries


Dear Assemblies,

the Congress is now right around the corner and you’re asking yourself how to best deliver your assembly equipment. Bringing things by car will be especially easy this year, as you can drive them right up to the gates of Hall 2.

This years procedure will look like this:

  • Use c3nav to find out where your assembly is located (search for the name and then click on “Details”) [currently c3nav is still WIP. If you can’t find your assembly right now, come back later. In urgent cases ask the assembly team.]
  • Look for the gate in hall 2 closest to your assembly.
  • Use the entrance “Tor 1 …

The 34C3 Awareness Team


Not all of the 15.000 visitors at 34C3 will have the same needs and stance.

Thoughtfulness and respecting individual boundaries should be taken for granted. But within such a large crowd, individual boundaries can be crossed – sometimes even without the intention to do so.

This is why – just like in past years – there will be an awareness team at 34C3. The awareness team will work closely together with the team “Safety and Security” and the “Chaos Emergency Response Team” (CERT).

  • Safety & Security: DECT 110
  • CERT: DECT 112
  • Awarenessteam: DECT 113

If you do not have a DECT phone, any angel …