If you are still looking for a ticket you can plead your case below and maybe find someone who has a spare one.
This is purely for swapping spare tickets between people.
Please don't offer more for a Ticket than the owner payed so poor people too have a chance.
You didn't get a ticket but already booked a Hotel/Hostel? You may be interested in HotelExchange.
Attention: Ticket Fraud | ||
Do not buy tickets from unknown sources. There have been multiple reports of fraud. Only buy from people you personally know and trust. |
If you want to make sure that the original owner cannot access the ticket anymore, please contact the presale team from the original mail address. They will change the associated address and the link secret.
[hide]Ticket offers
CCC member tickets:
Name | Contact | Amount | Comment
Cija | https://twitter.com/Cijavel, ccc@ciala.de | 1 | 1 Ticket + Unterkunft (Hostel) inkl. Frühstück vom 27.12 bis 31.12. Zusammen 276€ in Bar |
gelzi | https://twitter.com/gelzi | 1 | One member of ccc e.V. ticket for €90. You have to be a member of the ccc in order to use this ticket! Personal handover in Düsseldorf area possible. Otherwise I'll send it to you via mail. |
Alfe | jochen@drsaalfeld.de | 1 | One member of ccc e.V ticket for €90. You have to be a member of the ccc in order to use this ticket! Personal handover in Osnabrück possible. Otherwise I'll send it to you via mail. |
Pkirchner | mail_at philippkirchner.de | 1 | One member of CCC e.V. ticket for someone in need. Will not be able to attend. first to contact me gets it for free. sorry, only by mail possible. |
flobo | flo -at- muc.ccc.de https://twitter.com/fl0b0 | 1 | |
ari | frab -at- semioptimal.net | 1 | One member of CCC e.V. ticket for €80. |
Business tickets:
Name | Contact | Amount | Comment |
All other tickets:
Name | Contact | Amount | Comment
Andreas | mail: schreib(at)posteo(dot)de | 1 | |
David | mail: david(at)peersystems.co.uk | 1 | ticket -all days- at 290€, paypal, bitcoin, ethereum. Added 20/08/2019
1 | mail: ivy AT notraces DOT net | 1 | Supporter ticket 80 € or make me an offer. Handover at congress or online. Added 28/12/2017. |
Christoph | mail: claib(at)inuse(dot)ch | 2 | Cyber Sale Thursday! Two VIP premium tickets for 150 €! (original price was €120 each)
synthet | mail: synthet(at)mail(dot)de | 1 | Personal handover at congress standard ticket at 100€. Added 28/12/2017. |
T. | mail: charlon.thomas -a- live.fr | 1 | At congress, supporter ticket at 120e |
xrs | xrs@mail36.net | 1 | regular ticket (120€) for 100 € cash. I'm already at the congress and will check my mails hourly. RESERVED UNTIL 28.12. 12:00 p.m. for Bernhard |
sev | seeliger@protonmail.ch | 1 | Already at the congress - meet us at the entry. 100€ |
paul | sxqj@protonmail.com | 1 | I sell 1 Supporter-Ticket for 110 Euro. I will be at the congress today from 1:30pm onwards. Probably easiest if you write me your phone number so that I can call you back: sxqj@protonmail.com. (27.12.2017 - 12:38) |
alerion | onlytwocanplaythisgame@gmail.com | 1 | One standard ticket for 50€ / Paypal, BTC, ETH, etc. / Delivery by email (27/12/2017) |
Arno | arno@arnowaschk.de | I sell 1 regular ticket for 90€. Either in person right there from 27th noon, or tell me if you prefer somehow otherwise. (27.12.2017) | |
l3d | l3d at tutanota dot com | 2 | Two tickets at 120 € each. Handover in Leipzig. Payment in cash please. (posted on 26/12/2017) - sold
r2r0 | r2r0 at posteo.de | 1 | 1 Basic Ticket at 100 €. Exchange online.
victor | contact@vcranz.de PGP: PGP-Key | 1 | 1 Standard Ticket at 120 €. Handover by email as PDF. Payment by PayPal or cash (Frankfurt). |
2 tickets | jannorthoff@gmail.com | 2 | Updated 26th Dec. €120 each. payment however convenient |
ticketoffer | h23hc73n@posteo.us | 2 | 2 Supporter Tickets for 140 EUR each, selling for 120. Handover in person in the venue, cash. This one is NOT FRAUD |
mirsal | mirsal@mirsal.fr | 1 | 1 budget ticket,
EDIT: Reserved by Zach, ticket might get available later if they flake |
andi | ac@greschenz.de or @andialles on Twitter | 2 | 2 Tickets for 100 EUR each. Offers accepted. Handover via E-Mail, pay via Paypal.
teisho | 34c3 at teisho dot org | 1 | 1 budget ticket for 100€. cash on site from 26th. |
int2k | [ccc et dorgeist.com] | 1 | 1 Standard-Ticket for 120 EUR. Paypal, or cash on site in Leipzig, etc. Handoff via Mail or in person from the 27th at the CCL. ETA 27.12.2017 02pm |
Matthieu | m.piel@netcourrier.com | 1 | 1 ticket at 100€. (added 25th) Cash only in Leipzig from the 26th. |
wmcc | inbox-34c3 @ÄT@ wm.cc | 1 | 1 Standard-Ticket for 120 EUR. Paypal, Square Cash/Venmo, Bitcoin/other crypto, cash on site in Leipzig, etc. Handoff online or in person. Arriving at CCC the afternoon of the 26th (Day 0). |
let | cestletim_at_gmail_dot_com | 2 | Offering two standard tickets for 100 € each. PayPal, cash or bank transfer. Ticket per email, handover in Leipzig possible.
reneger | rene at rr47.de | 1 | 1 Budget 100 Eur Ticket. Paypal or cash on site in Leipzig. In Leipzig from 24th
GeekDrew | drew@geekdrew.net | 1 | Updated 24th Dec. USD $120 ticket, only via Paypal. :( Can only exchange via email. |
HM | hmex@fastmail.co.uk | 1 | Updated 24th Dec. €120 ticket, will let go for €90. From UK, so exchange online. No longer going. |
Alex | acc.34c3@alexander-willer.de | 2 | Updated 27th Dec. 2x 120 € ticket, Discount to 100 €, 175 € for both. Exchange online and payment via SEPA or PayPal, or via personal handover in Hamburg |
Chris | info@iteconomy.ch | 2 | added 24th Dec. 1x €120 and 1x 140€ ticket. Can be paid by SEPA or paypal or twint or bitcoins or directly at the congress. |
FJ | fabio.johner@bluewin.ch | 1 | Added 24th Dec. €140 ticket. Discount to €120. From Switzerland, so exchange online. Can sadly not be there this year. |
stooo | f4eru - at - free.fr | 1 | 1 (one) Standard 120Eur Ticket. Bank transfer or live near Basel |
ryoushi | ryoushi@gmail.com | 1 | Offering One supporter ticket for €140. personal handover in Frankfurt or Online. |
Agnes | contact@laquadrature.net | 2 | 2 tickets at 100 euros each. I will be in Leipzig on 26 |
waijb | 34c3 -at- hasst.tech | 1 | 1 (one) Standard 120Eur Ticket. Unfortunately I have to go to work during Congress. Paypal only due to time constraints, contact me for account |
SieTschie | sietschie@gmail.com | 2 | 2 (two) Standard 120Eur Tickets. Handover either digitally, in Cologne or after the 26th in Leipzig. Pay by PayPal or bank transfer. |
Chris | cwc3@posteo.de | 1 | One standard ticket for 120€. Personal handover in Leipzig preferred, online possible. |
Teckids e.V. | verein@teckids.org | 2 | Two up-and-coming tickets. Will issue proper bill if necessary and send ticket online. |
Matze | manse *at* posteo d-o-t de | 1 | (2017-12-26: ticket is still available) One ticket for 100€. Personal handover in Leipzig or online is possible. |
fabian | ticket.fabian at protonmail.com | 1 | One up-and-coming-ticket for 31,58 EUR (includes CC-fee). Personal handover in the Stuttgart area possible. |
Bobo_PK | cia *at* mailbox.org | 2 | Supporter tickets for 150€ each. One of my Chaospatenkinder got sick and I am providing the contact. |
unbridgeabletau | protonmail.com email, username nagie | 1 | Standard ticket for 120€ going for sale as of 24 December. I'll take BTC, LTC, Euros or USD. We can trade electronically now, or I can meet you Tuesday or Wednesday in Leipzig. |
elektroll | kleinerdrei@elektrollart.org | 2 | Supporter tickets for 140€ each. I amjust providing the contact for a sick friend. |
globin | mail at glob.in | 1 | Added 24th Dec. €120 ticket. Can't manage it sadly |
Makdaam | 34c3 -at- makdaam.eu | 1 | Supporter ticket (originally 140€), for 100 € because why not. SWIFT payment + email preferred. Personal cash - ticket exchange in Leipzig possible, but might not be the most efficient. |
musalbas | mus@musalbas.com | 1 | 1 standard ticket for 100€. Payment via PayPal. Ticket will be sent via email. |
PwnyTail | pwnytail (at) c3d2 (dot) de | 1 | 1 standard ticket for 120€. Payment via PayPal or Cash in Leipzig. Ticket will be sent via email or handover in Leipzig. |
Reto | https://twitter.com/rettichschnidi or 34c3 (at) reto-schneider (dot) ch | 1 | 1 standard ticket for 120€/139CHF. Payment via PayPal, wire transfer or cash in Leipzig. Ticket will be sent via email or handover in Leipzig via friends of mine. |
kamehl | mel-lamy [at] gmx.net | 1 | One budget ticket for 100 €. Handover in Leipzig from 26th Dec., evening, or during all the congress. Cash preferred. |
moo | moospit -at- e1nself.de | 1 | 1 Std. Ticket @ 100€ - Payment via PayPal, Ticket via Mail. |
vavoida | 34c3 -at- vavoida.org | 1-2 | 1 Supporter Ticket @ 120€, selling for 120 or 200 for both €, cash/handover personally at Congress or paymewnt via paypaly/crypto/ ... ticket history avail
Max | max@vtettenborn.net | 2 | 2 Standard Tickets(100 € each). Payment via Paypal or crypto, handover via mail. |
schuhmanns | michael.schuhmann@mailbox.org | 1 | Offering one standard ticket for 100 €. cash or bank transfer, handover in Leipzig or ticket per email. |
Sebastian Wallroth | mailto:sebastian@wallroth.de | 1 | Standard Ticket; 100 €; Payment per Paypal; Delivery per Mail --Real68er (talk) 09:15, 27 December 2017 (CET) |
devzero | mna@jcbachmann.de (mail) | 1 | 1 up and coming ticket (U18). we are on site already and can meet at ccc. |
raccoon | raccoon@chaos.social (gnu social) raccoon@fripost.org (mail) |
1 | Standard Ticket: 100 EUR. Available at the event (preferred), chat or e-mail.
ÖPNV tickets:
for more information see: Öffentlicher Nahverkehr zum 34C3: Ermäßigte Tickets in Leipzig/Public transport in Leipzig for 34C3: Discount ticket pre-sale open
Name | Contact | Amount | Comment |
debugloop | ccc@danieln.de | 1 | handover at congress, 10€ as one day is already elapsed |
Ticket requests
DO NOT PLEAD MORE THAN THE OFFICIAL PRICES HERE! Please see https://tickets.events.ccc.de/34c3/ for prices and names of the tickets.