You've hardened your OS- now harden your hacker community

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Description Hackers don't thoughtlessly trust the mechanics of their computer, apps, or in general the world around them........So why would we trust the mechanics of the governments' justice system? In this workshop we'll discuss alternatives using texts and exercises.
Type Workshop
Kids session No
Keyword(s) social, political, security, safety
Processing assembly QueerFeministGeeks
Person organizing Ontological, Mdik
Language en - English
en - English
Other sessions...


Starts at 2016/12/28 20:45
Ends at 2016/12/28 22:40
Duration 115 minutes
Location Hall C.1

Hackers don't thoughtlessly trust the mechanics of their computer, apps, or in general the world around them........So why would we trust the mechanics of Society's justice systems? In this workshop we'll give an introduction to transformative justice and discuss the theory as well as practical examples. Our goal for the workshop is to get a baseline understanding of transformative justice, think about how it's applicable to us and our communities, and look at how codes of conduct might interact with transformative justice. We'll discuss specific light-hearted situations (such as Justin Bieber punching one of his fans) and how these ideas could apply to them. We will provide a reading list on this wiki before the session, but if you'd like to get started now, the core reading is here: We also think this reading really helps sharpen some of the ideas in the Gen5 reading: