Rust on the rad1o

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Description Write code in Rust, run on the rad1o from CCCamp15
Type Workshop
Kids session No
Keyword(s) software, embedded, coding
Tags rust, rad1o, embedded
Processing assembly C3D2
Person organizing Astro
Language en - English
en - English
Other sessions...


Starts at 2016/12/27 19:00
Ends at 2016/12/27 20:00
Duration 60 minutes
Location Hall C.2
The programming language's logo displayed by Rust code

This is not a Rust tutorial! Please don't crowd the room if you don't know the language and its tools.


In this session I will...

  • help you compile the sample project, and
  • tell you how to interface with the hardware.

Something different from the rad1o?

As long as you have...

  1. an ARMv6/7-based microcontroller,
  2. an SVD file for the chip, and
  3. linker scripts for the memory layout.

...we can try to build a binary. Keep in mind that we will have to reproduce any initialization that normal C code does.

Further documentation